indiannextgen <indiannextgen@
Dear Respected Fellow Indian citizens,
I wish to introduce myself as a Facilitator VISION 2020; currently I
am engaged in establishment of a pilot project called Developed
Village 2010.
The main objective of the project is to focus on 1. Develop the
PRESENT GENERATION, 3.optimize the usage of the experience &
expertise passed by the INDIAN PAST GENRATION.
The starting point of the Mission is the villages, where 700 million
people live and the need of the hour is to address them
"India to become a Developed Nation, priority is to develop the
villages, where 70 % of the population lives in Rural India
"The essential needs of the villages today are clean water, quality
power, good roads, sanitation, and affordable healthcare, education
with right skills and employment with sustained income for the
family. We should aim at a high level of prosperity and
infrastructure in the rural areas keeping the purity of environment
and value 'If we, as a country, focus our efforts with collective
and coherent will to eradicate poverty with sustained development,
the nation can withstand any internal or external obstacle'
To make things move faster with in work parameters, you have to pump
more people, more material and more money. If you cannot do that,
change your parameters- Dr. Kalam.
The project under implementation is of three tiers. It of integrated
one, developing, establishing and maintaining, a Model village,
catering the village requirements of Health, Nutritious food,
Employment, Skills, Employment Creation, Funding, learning,
Knowledge, Cultural and Spiritual needs of the citizens. The aim of
the project is to Build- Operate _Transfer. The main concept of the
project is to help the communities themselves to involve, supported
by small time services by external professional, social,
intellectual, technological and management expertise.
The three tiers are: Integrating
Employability- Employment Enterprises.
Individuals, Institutions and Industries
Balanced Health Wealth Happiness.
Management- Technology- Science
To start with, the pilot project under implementation is addressing
the Below Poverty Level, to earn a minimum of Rs.2500/pm through
sustainable employment.
The pilot project which is started in early 2007 is scheduled to be
completed by 2010. On successful completion of the pilot project,
the same model will be duplicated in villages in a selected district
by 2015, and with in the State by 2020.
The project is designed to net work the available like minded Human
Capital of all educated or otherwise of this great country, it is
possible by Participation and Contribution of their small time.
There are vast areas of contribution possible, in the above
My past experience in both Developed Nations and the Developing
Nations, in various capacities, especially in successful, rapid
development of Human resources, transfer of Technology, &
establishment of manufacturing ventures in Developing Nations for
the past four decades at large, and as a former colleague of Father
of the VISION 2020, Dr. Kalam, in particular, has prompted me to
serve our great Nation in an humble way. I share the Vision,
Mission, thoughts, & actions of Dr. Kalam. I started my study,
research & work on this project six years ago, and I am happy to
state that it is yielding tangible results. I strongly believe
that by mobilizing 54 % of the Indian population who are below 25
years of age alone is the major strength in making INDIA DEVELOPED
I will be glad to share, & work with thelike minded interested
members of the group for the noble cause. On hearing from you, I
shall start sharing the work materials on regular basis.
My thanks to Mr. Srinivasan, Moderator of the group, for having
given me the opportunity to share our mission with all of us.
With warm regards
In the service of
Networking Billion Brains of India

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