dear friends
A mail with the subject line "RSS Reveals its Spent Force" was released to the group by mistake. We do not permit any hate mails in the group. Only positive mails are permitted. .
This group is a moderated group. Instead of pressing 'delete' button, I had pressed 'approve' button by mistake. It got circulated in the gorup. Please ignore this hate mail and this mail is withdrawn from the archives of this group.
Since this is a moderated group with large number of eminent people, we take adequate care to read all the mails before releasing to the group. Nowadays, due to the popularity of the group, every day new spammers join this group and post unwanted mails in the group. This is causing lot of concern for the moderators. As and when spam mails are posted in the group, we delete such mails from the 'moderation list' and also remove the members. On an average 75% of the mails posted to the group are not worthy of circulation. Hence, we have to delete them without circulation. .
We request the members not to use this forum for their spam messages, hate mails, promotion of their products/companies, etc. Please use this constructively for sharing your success stories in developing the society and to realise Vision 2020. .
Extremely sorrry for the inconvenience caused to the memers and regret for the moderation of a wrong message.
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