Dear India Vision 2020 Members!
Good day to you all! I'm Vasanth. I am writing to you about the mind pattern changing meditation technique - The Vipassana Meditation. The meditation acts as an operation manual for the human lives. In our day to day living there are so many unwanted things happen and wanted things don't happen. So as a result our lives are becoming stressful. This meditation teaches one to deal with those situations calmly. It helps the addicted persons to come out of their addictions. The total negative pattern of our mind changes and in the place we are able to generate love, compassion, goodwill, sympathetic joy etc.
The meditation is offered free of cost. It's offered with the pure volition of serving others. There is no commercial aspect in it. Only with the Dana (donations), that too from the old students, the meditation is being offered. There are so many centres offering the meditation in India and abroad. For more details, I request you to visit the website . I request all the members to find time for attending one of the Vipassana Meditation courses. It's totally non-sectarian cutting across all the limiting boundries of caste, class, religion, nation, gender etc
With warm regards
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