hello mr shiva,
your subject is worth taking up & i am sure, you would be able to extend services for all direction - beyond geographical jurisdiction of taminadu too.
i have reasonably good stock of stuff on the subject & woukld be able to help you out comprehensively
i am attending for your mail at around 12.40 am pst from america.
just give me another 10 - 12 hrs so that, i would be able to write to you with all details.
Shiva Pas <shivapas@yahoo.com> wrote:
Shiva Pas <shivapas@yahoo.
Dear Friends,In past 1-2 ys we have seen that many meritorious students have lacked finance because of family income.Fortunately we came across a few & did what we could. This was ok for B.sc/BA/B.Ed students.But the going gets tough for professional courses(Engeering & Medicine/BDS/Nursing). We believe that school education can be funded free. But for grown up's they should shoulder self-needs. All we need to do is to coordinate for a Bank Loan. In fact we have done for quite number of students. OUR AIM IS TO SCALE IT TO MORE STUDENTS.In our group I see there are many eminent people who are also associated with banking.It would be really great if they could help the meritorious students to get loans.For our part, we will check the background thoroughly & only then request. We keep getting lot Of requests, but we do not help all of them(which is also impossible). We will have to prioritize & then help the most deserving(for the matter all are deserving)Indian govt should follow the Australian model for funding the college education with interest free loans(atleast For professional degrees whose fee is beyong reach for many J!!)Our belief ANY MERITORIOUS STUDENT SHOULD NOT BE DENIED EDUCATION BECAUSE OF ECONOMIC REASONS. And everyone of us have a part to play in this!This is one of the main paths for Dr.Kalam's "Knowledge Society".Next year we are planning to help atelast 25 students in TamilNadu with good merit but unable to pay fee. We have a group of volunteers fro different districts to track the requirements. Based on the success we will scale it to other states of India.We look forward to hear help from many of you.RegardsshivaCo-Moderator
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