Very well put. The common man should be a little intolerant when he is treated like a floor mat. He should protest. The group will be happy to know that out of 130 letters I sent asking them to protest against Bank strike more than 50 have so far sent formal letters asking us to proceed against the unionists in court. More letters are pouring in. But their should be more ground swell for this kind of irresponsible strikes. Let us learn to be more vocal, more assertive of our rights. We are here, as CONSUMERS ASSOCIATION OF INDIA to support every cause that will help build citizen awareness.
On 25/02/2008, Shaurya Shah < > wrote:
Any kind of "Bandh" is a loss of Human Hours building up the Nation."Nation wide Strike" called by some political party = LOSS TO THE NATION."State wide Strike" called by some regional party = LOSS TO THE NATION."Rail Roko Andolan" called by some activists = LOSS TO THE NATION."xyz Jayanti" called by regional / national party = LOSS TO THE NATION.(the great xyz would not have liked the country not working on his birth date, would he?) rather we should yield double output on such memorable dates, shouldn't we?So what's the solution?>Anything hindering to the progress of our NATION should be treated as Shameful... Just see these people as if they have raped the Nation (sorry, but it is like that)... Make them feel shy / embarrased for what they have done... Make them realize what loss the NATION has absorbed for their careless dancing activities... dear countrymen... "Bandh" bandh karo. Jai HindShaurya Shah
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