The end of Man
Along came man the wisest of all animals. He could conquer everything, go everywhere, even he moon. He lived in ice, he lived in deserts, mountains, forests, seas, everywhere.
Alas! the only thing he couldn't conquer 'himself'.
He grew to 7 billion in number. Ate up all the resources. Emissions harming the ozone layer, harmful radiations coming in, carbon fuels burning to form carbon dioxide, a gas that absorbs more heat to cause rise in global temperature,melting the ice on polar ice caps, rise in sea levels and submerging of land under water.
Extinction of man.
Even if they are able to device a ship to take a few men to moon/mars, they would die fighting to decide who would go and who would not.
If man doesn't somehow end up dying fighting each other over caste, creed, religion and region, nature will kill him.
The damage already done may take ages/centuries to repair. By the time man realises, it would be too late to repair/reverse.
In this age of marketing, packaging, advertising, propaganda can sell dung. But wisdom/common sense wont sell. There is no hope. My heart wants to see hope(my brain knows I wont find hope), I surf 200 channels on tv to see that hope but no, I don't find it. I DON'T FIND IT. Somewhere he is busy conspiring in highly intellectual and spiritual family dramas, somewhere he is exploring the sophisticated sciences of palmistry, astrology, fengshui, tarrot card or passionately selling weight loss devices and somewhere he is busy studying in great detail about a rape/murder.
Todays man is so obsessed with conserving his culture. Sometimes I wonder had the stone age man chosen to protect his culture we would still be in stone age. When has culture been constant in history? Will anyone tell me?
Alternate fuels are a 100% reality today but the countries that are controlling the world economy with petroleum will never want and will never allow that to happen. In fact it is they who are not letting it happen deliberately. Does this stupidly selfish man really deserve to survive?
While man remains obsessed with numbers and quantities, all he will achieve is his own end. The end of Man.
(Writing this will in no way prevent the end of man. I wrote it because I felt like.)
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