Recently there have been lots of news about potential food crisis in US. While so many reasons are being cited, one thing that no one puts is our non-vegetarian food habits. We seem to ignore that animal food takes up far more resources than plant food. If we recollect the concept of food chains existing in nature, we would know that the efficiency of energy transfer from one species to another is only 10%. That means animals we eat retain only 10% of what they eat, rest of the energy is consumed in daily activities like movements, digestion etc. So, if the land that is currently being used for raising food for animals is directly put to use for cultivating food grains meant for humans, food crisis is history.
Infact most of us have an inner urge to be socially responsible. And in different ways we try to contribute something to the society. Looking at the above fact, the first step to become socially responsible should be to go vegetarian. And I have touched upon only economic aspect of changing food-habit. Morally, we will be more satisfied that no animal has suffered just to fulfill our appetite. Its medically proven, non- vegeterian people are more prone to various diseases such as heart disorders, osteoporosis, high blood pressure etc. Moreover, we will live by loving and respecting not only humans but also other species.
So, its my earnest request contemplating more on this issue. Please reply me if there is any discrepency over the points I have put above.
Finally, I would only say, that we can still live a healthy life by avoiding non-vegetarian food.
Saurabh jain
IT Engineer,
Cognizant Technology Solutions, Kolkata
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