Dear Mr Srinivasan,
Excellent is the ezine for April 2008 on Corporate Social Responsibility edited by Sri Narendra. Our PR Celebrity, Dr CVNR responded first, with his single-finger typing.
Corporate Social Responsibility, variously called as Corporate Responsibility, Corporate Citizenship and Responsible Business wherein the corporates consider the interests of the Society at large out of fear, lest they will be deprived of favourable "Social Audit Certificate" for their further continuance.
The cartoon on spending Rs.4 lakhs on a CSR activity of distributing books worth Rs.5,000/- is mirroring the reality of CSR being practised by the Corporates.
I remember a recent instance where a big corporate giant constructed a hospital worth crores of rupees for community needs, without bothering for any publicity. This shall be the style of discharging corporate social responsibility.
dear friendsWe are pleased to release the April 2008 issue of our Corporate ezine PR-e-Sense. This issue focusses on the theme 'Corporate Social Responsibility' (CSR). This issue deals with the various fundamental aspects on CSR and carries the views of eminent persons.This issue is Guest Edited by Mr S Narendra, Former Information Advisor to Prime Ministers of India.We carry exclusive interviews from Mr Kishor A Chaukar, Mg. Director, Tata Industries Ltd and Mr Gerard Helmink, Director, Akzo Nobel, Netherlands.WE are introducing cartoons from this issue onwards. Please enjoy.The ezine may also be downloaded from the following linkPodcast interviews of Mr Kishor Chaukar and Mr Gerard Helmink may be listened from the following linkKindly send your views and feedback to us at k. srinivasanEditor-in-ChiefPR-e-Sense
Babji. Y

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