Dear all,
'Roads indicate culture'. There is a lot of connotative meaning in this sign board. Obeying traffic regulations is built into it.
Traffic is one of the major problems being faced by almost all the cities in India, except of course Chandigarh.
Hyderabad is as worst as Bangalore and Chennai.
These days motorists are not driving on the roads but inching-forward during peak time. The average speed on city roads have fallen drastically.
Here, in Hyderabad seminars and workshops are being organised on issues like -
"Unlock Hyderabad", "Traffic - Present problems & future solutions" involving officials from Transport Department, State Road Transport Corporation, Metro Rail, Traffic Police, Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation etc. I remember, in March this year, Bangalore too had such exercises.
The suggestions generally been given are
1. Enforcement of MV Act & other acts regulating traffic and traffic offences
2. Widening of roads
3. Removal of religious structures from the roads
4. Restriction of slow moving vehicles from entering into core city area
5. More of one ways
6. Compulsory cellar parking
7. Traffic awareness exercises
8. Development of effective public transport systems like MMTS, MRTS, BRTS
9. Effective presence of traffic police/volunteers at the junctions
10. Restricting VIP movements during peak time
11. Use of sky-walks and sub-ways by the pedestrians
12. Traffic sense
13. More number of outer ring roads
14. Wider footpaths etc
Authorities as well as Citizens are not serious to address this problem. This may continue till a "Grid Lock" occur.
Hello,Rule one in traffick education communcation:90% enforcement:10% education for compliance.Narendra
On 12/05/2008, kannappank < > wrote:Hi All,
Bangalore has a lot of educated people and I also find that a lot of
educated people violate traffic signals and rules. I am not aware of
traffic signal and rule violation in other cities.
Society is not a special group of people constituted. Let us
understand that everyone is a part of the society. Let us all be
responsible citizens of India.
Let us all obey traffic signal and rules and ensure smooth flow of
How many times you have noticed vehicles violating red signal(s)? How
many times you have noticed in a signal that a vehicle which has to
make a right turn, go to the left side of the road and then take a
right turn causing hardship to the vehicle which are going in other
straight or left side?
Let us obey traffic rules.
Kannappan Krishnan.
Babji. Y

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