Hi All,
I do not know about other cities in India, but in Bangalore, pirated VCD shops on the platforms are very common. You can easily spot pirated VCD sellers near restaurants, shopping malls and retail stores. The so called educated people (most of them software professionals) throng around the pirated VCD sellers and 'directly support' this illegal activity. The police is least bothered about it for obvious reasons!.
This raises a few questions:
1) Why are even educated people support an illegal activity? Are we not gradually moving towards building an 'irresponsible' society? If this trend continues, then may be in future we will become so numb & dumb that we would openly support any popular illegal activity just like how we are supporting the pirated VCDs today?
2) Why is the police keeping quiet? How do we bell the cat?
3) Why is the media keeping quiet without exposing it? Is there someone from the media in this group? Can you highlight this and put a full stop to this illegal business?
I would blame the consumers of pirated VCDs for flourishing this illegal business. Let us stop supporting pirated VCDs.
I always make it a point to spread awareness of these among my friends, colleagues and relatives & I'm happy to see some positive change in them!!.. Let each one of us spread this strong message to our friends and relatives and put an end to any form of illegal activity.
If every individual realises his/her social responsibility, I am sure we can put a full stop to ANY kind of illegal activity.
Jai Hind !
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