Dear all,
I request the group to watch the video on the url below.
Something needs to be done to abolish this inhuman activity in the name of our food habits.
Thanks and Regards,
Saurabh Jain
Balaji Rajagopalan <> wrote:
Balaji Rajagopalan <try2xl@yahoo.
Dear All,There is no argument. Human beings are not made for non vegetarian food. If you compare the teeth structure of humans with animals you will find the difference is predominantly w.r.t capability to eat meat. Secondly, it is proven that red meat is definitely and authoritatively bad for the heart. Thirdly humans cannot consume raw meat whereas they can consume raw vegetables or atleast half of the raw veggies in the world. However, you and i debating over this is not going to solve anything. Look at the JAI BHIM movement. These folks are following Buddhism. However they are heavy meat consumers. What an irony. So bottom line is this, if you like veg, be veg, if you like meat, eat, if you like fish, eat.... don't try to convert your neighbour. do not convert if you ar enot convinced..Regards,Balaji Rajagopalan
--- On Fri, 5/9/08, saurabh jain <> wrote:
From: saurabh jain <>
Subject: Re: [India_Vision_2020] Re: we can be socially responsible by going vegetarian
To: India_Vision_2020@yahoogroups .com
Date: Friday, May 9, 2008, 5:36 PM
Dear all,I agree with Mr. Narendra that by taking simple measures we can avoid wastage of food.I also agree that the transition of society from non-veg to veg cannot be done overnight. At the same time, I would like to say that I didn't intend to start debate over this issue. Rather, what I intend is we can include veg food habit as part of practising austerity. What I intend to convey is that if by simply abstaining from non veg food we can help society in its entirety then why to debate over it?As Suman mentioned, I may have preconceived notions about non veg food, but whatever the arguments we put, there will be no debate or conflict if we just look at the basic facts that are by very nature true.Please educate me on that whether human body really needs non veg food? Or is it just the matter of lifestyle and culture where we are nurtured in?
usmansu <usmansu@yahoo. com> wrote:--- In India_Vision_ 2020@yahoogroups .com, Navya Sree
<lnavyasree20@ ...> wrote:
> Hi All,
> ............ .medically proven, non- vegeterian people are more
prone to various diseases such as heart disorders, osteoporosis, high
blood pressure etc. Moreover, we will live by loving and respecting
not only humans but also other species..... .....
this is all preconceived notion . pre-judging issues with beliefs or
principles.. .... keep an open mind,
scientifically or culturally or historically or
logically ,........... ......... ...non veg is natural. but to the
needed level. that need level is natural. not i mean the artificiality
in food.
> suman
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