I would vouch Jay's words. It was like a dream come true. Seeing Dr Kalam close and listening the words he spoke was like a getting induced your to higher electromagnetic field. Definitely he has an aura that surrounds and induces young minds..
The speech was next best thing the oaths he told to take and asking us will you do ? was exhibiting the simplicity care he has. Definitely he has proved himself as the inspirational icon of young minds .
Meeting various peoples from india vision was inspiring in its own ways to drive us to the excellence in the social initiatives we carry on. It was event of the life and thanks a ton to Srinivasan sir for making this dream come true
Jai Hind
Prabu SP
Jayatheerthan K <jayatheerthan2003@
There are no words to describe the experience we had at the 'Together We 99' conference.
Seeing Dr.Kalam at a distance of 2 feet, shaking hands with him & exchanging words with him was a dream come true for all of us. Listening to his speech LIVE and undertaking an oath administered by him catapulted us to high energy levels! As Shiva said, we were all mesmerised by Dr.Kalam's speech!!
There is no doubt that Dr.Kalam is a perennial source of energy. The moment you think of him, you are charged with high energy and positive thoughts!.. and of course, it is his inspiring thoughts that has brought us all together in this forum, making us work towards the common goal of realising a developed India.
Listening to Social Entrepreneurs at 'Together We 99' was another exciting moment we experienced. The selfless attitude of the social entrepreneurs motivated us a lot. It gave confidence in us that we as 'common people' can bring in a change, if we take the right steps!.. One could easily sense that the change of attitude from 'I, me, mine' to 'We, us, ours' will create wonders. I am confident that with 33 mentors and 66 representatives from various NGOs, 'Together We 99' would be a grand success in bringing out the developments much needed in the society.
Interacting with great minds like Mr.Suresh Kamat woke up the sleeping entrepreneurial thinking in us!. He busted the myth that business cannot be done in an ethical way. When he shared his 22 years of entrepreneurial experience, we learned from him that it is infact very much possible to do business in an ethical and honest way!.
The high energy levels that we drew from the meeting and the inspiration that you may draw out of it will definitely keep us marching towards our vision. Let us look forward to more activities from the group in realising a developed India.
Jai Hind !
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Shiva Pas <shivapas@yahoo.com> wrote:Dear All On May 1st, 2008 we India Vision 2020 group members & their partner organization had the opportunity to attend meeting Of "Together We 99" organized by Siraku Foundation. The 3 day workshop was conducted for 66 social entrepreneurs from Apr29 to May 1,2008. On the final day , i e May 1st Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam graced the occasion.Attendees :Jayatheerthan, Jayashree, Kartheeban, Muthuram,Natarajan Raman, Ponmudi, Prabhu, G Prabhu , RaviKumar, Sivanrayanan, Sathiyan, Sankar,Saravanan, Srinivasan(Moderator) Partner Groups : Dream India2020, India Sudar, Team everst, Young Minds of India, Suyam. Siraku Foundation & "Together we 99"Founded by Mr.Dhanapal & few others, the idea was to encourage Social entrepreneurship. The idea is the brain child of Dr.Kalam.The idea is to bring together 66 social Volunteers and 33 Coporates(Mentors) to encourage social cause. For a period of 2 years the 66 social entrepreneur will be supported with a Stipend of 5000/month. The mentors will guide them through 2 years. In 2 years the idea is to create a set of leaders. This India Vision group also is part of this initiative & will help in ways it can through Partner Organisations. Our Visit Experience: Introduction to Dr.KalamWe were fortunate enough to get our India Vision 2020 group introduced to Dr.Kalam. The idea here was to familiarize the India Vision & partner groups their work. Our Sincere thanks to Mr.Dhanapal for making this happen. Inspiring SpeechIn the morning session we also had a very charged speech from Shri.N.Mahalingam, chairman Sakthi Group of companies. Mafoi's Chairman Mr.Pandiarajan moderated the presentation session of entrepreneur projects.In the afternoon session we were mesmerized with our ex-presidents unique styled inspiring thoughts.We pledged the 10 point oath given by him. The thoughts were so beautifully & that to in down to earth manner. The main aim of this speech was to make us aware of our won capabilities & our need to realize it. Stress was in respecting the time. The atmosphere was just filled with so much optimism. Interaction with Mr.Suresh Kamat(Mg. Director, Laser Soft InfoSystems Ltd)Mr.Suresh Kamath was very down to earth in his interaction with our Group. His enthusiasm and simplicity marveled us. He is one of the leading Banking software product developers in India.In the Laser Soft, out of 700 employees, nearly 100 of them are "Differently" abled professionals. Couple of years back, he got the Award from President of India. He has been running this for 22 years. Incidentally May 1, 2008 is 22nd founding day of the company.Mr Kamath Stressed us the need for creating jobs and encouraged us to take up entrepreneur to create more jobs. He also stressed that Indian software professionals needed to focus on 'product development' than providing only 'services' Main goal of his business Has been good ethics, fair pricing, innovation and much value need to the banking industry.To a question we asked, "Isn't the automation taking ways jobs"? , he gave the one of the very logical answers we never heard. He said that when seen from broader perspective, banking service is the blood stream of essential services. Now if the Banking system has to be efficient, automation is critical & besides that enables to do banking trasactions faster, which actually creates environment for jobs !!Over all it's been a very memorable experience for all of us who attended. We are inspired to do more !Sincere thanks to Mr.Srinivasan, Our Moderator for enabling us attend this function and to Mr.Dhanapal who readily accepted us !Thanks shiva Co-Moderator, India Vision 2020
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