Dear all, Last time I had brought to you some inspiring development news from the program "Mere Desh Ki Dharti" which is telecasted every Sunday on DD news at 6:30 P.M..Here I am again bringing some developmental news from 12th April's episode: 1)Educate all, develop India: In Jharkhand, where litracy rate is as low as 52%, two Non governmental organisations have started a unique type of effort for educationg more and more people.These NGO's have made a rule that the parents who do not send their children in school will have to pay daily Rs. 2 fine to the NGO's.Also, they have started a free education school there.If such creditable efforts, may be in small scale, continue and start every where, i am sure we would be able to end illitracy soon. 2)AMUL still gives jobs to many Anand Milk Union Limited,(AMUL) or Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd. which was started in Gujarat as a co-operative society, is in such a perioed of recession also, the lifeline of 2.7 million people who produce milk for the company.It is a state level apex body of milk cooperatives in Gujarat which aims to provide remunerative returns to the farmers and also serve the interest of consumers by providing quality products which are good value for money.Here are a few statistics showing their grand success and their contribution towards development:
NOTE: Data downloaded from AMUL's web page- http://www.amul. |
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