Dear Dr. Santhosh Babu,
In my opinion the operations of empowering rural, people does not have access to many mundane facility, are the indispensable requirement now a days. This can only be possible for a committed visionary who blends vision in to workable process.
I have privilege to be member of the group where you have associated. The leader is who influence others to excel in their filed. I have influenced by you.
While exploring opportunity to part of your noble work, I am recording my sincere thanks for your contribution for the recorded development.
J. Kumaresan
2009/4/3 mohammed aslam < >
its a pleasure to know that there is a breathtaking initiative from this group hope more and more initiatives are taken to improve rural india.warm regards,AslamDate: Friday, April 3, 2009, 9:46 AM
From: Dr.Santhosh Babu < >
Subject: [India_Vision_2020] Dr Kalam visits Rural BPO at Krishnagiri District
To: India_Vision_2020@yahoogroups .com
Dear Prime Point Srinivasan Sir and Friends,
I wish to inform you that a dream is coming true for me. on 4/4/09, ie. tomorrow, our own Dr.Kalam is visiting our Rural BPO at Hosur in the afternoon. The whole district of Krishnagiri is waiting to welcome him. I invite you and all our friends to be part of this joyful occassion.
FOSTeRA (Fostering Technologies in Rural Areas) is a rural BPO employing 10th std dropouts upwards in international and domestic, voice and non voice BPO work. While serving as the Collector of Krishnagiri (www.krishnagiri. we established 5 such rural BPOs employing about 400 youngsters who had no great expectations in life. Bussiness from fortune 500 companies and others poured in. 4 BPOs are 25 seaters and the 5ht is a 72 seater. These are located in Village Panchayats. We have now taken RPO ie Recruitment Process Outsourcing work from a US based client. There are many other clients also like Adventity, LEOsoft etc. World class training for 3 months can transform these poor candidates.
After joining ELCOT, I managed to get Rs.5.00 crores from TAHDCO. 7000 candidates are currently being trained , 250 per district all over Tamil Nadu, except Chennai. Once the model code of conduct is lifted, we will be calling for expression of interest from Institutions and individuals who wish to establish Rural BPOs ( At least one per district, ie 30) and absorb the trained candidates. It will work on a franchisee basis, with the Franchisee having to use the FOSTeRa brand and the look and feel of FOSTeRA. NASSCOM, ELCOT and FOSTeRa have joined hands to promote this concept. Tr.Ashok Kumar, CEO FOSTeRA and Tr.Purushottaman, Regional Director NASSCOM are the pillars of this movement. THe district admn provide the logistics and monitoring.
The last time I met Dr.Kalam, i sugggested to him that we could in addition to PURA have a concept called PUORA ie Providing Urban Opportunities in Rural Areas, and he graciously accepted it. His coming to Hosur and Krishnagiri will give a fillip to the rural BPO movement that is taking shape with Desicrew, Ruralshore and upmteen others joing the fray. Our own calculation is that there is a saving of Rs.300 $ per seat per month if work is ouitsourced to rural BPOs with no compromise on quality. It is a win win win situation for the poor boys/girls, Outsourcers and Government.
Kindly grace the function with your presence and bless the concept.
With warm regards,
Dr.Santhosh Babu, IAS.,
MD, ELCOT, & Director, E-Governance,
Govt. of Tamil Nadu,Chennai - 600035
044-42152200( ELCOT)
044-24336643( TNeGA)
santynits@yahoo. com (Per),, ceotnega@tn.,
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