dear friends
As you know, our India vision group has already launched the campaign "Celebrate Democracy - Vote India" to motivate the educated middle class and the youth to participate in the 15th General Elections.
March 09 issue of ezine PR-e-Sense is unique in many ways. Mr S K Kharventhan, the top-most performer in the 14th Lok Sabha and a sitting MP has Guest Edited this issue. We also had the exclusive podcast interview from Former Indian President Dr A P J Abdul Kalam for our ezine. This issue also contains the exclusive views from Mr T S Krishnamurthy (Former Cheif Election Commissioner of India) and Mr Era. Chezhian (A well known veteran Parliamentarian).
In this issue, we have attempted to create awareness about Lok Sabha and the functions, the business transacted in the Parliament, the role of Members of Parliament, the performance of past and current Lok Sabha, etc. We have also brought out some interesting humours from the Lok Sabha.
The ezine may also be downloaded from (530 k in pdf format)
http://www.primepointfoundation. org/presense/ presense0309.
Please read this ezine and also circulate amongst your young friends.
Babji. Y,
PR Practitioner & Teacher

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