As a part of the TN Election watch, we propose to conduct a series of interviews of candidates standing for the Lok Sabha elections of major political parties / independents who come forward to be interviewed.
We propose to ask them pointed questions on their Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT analysis) seek a commitment from the candidates on their proposed development agenda for their constituency on various aspects affecting the common man and also agree to a quarterly public audit of their performance, if they are elected.
This we feel would help the voter to take an informed decision on their choice of the candidate for voting.
We would invite the media to cover the interviews.
We have already interviewed y'day Apr 17, 2009, Mr. R.S. Bharathi, the DMK candidate for Chennai South constituency.
The details can be seen at NDTV Election Watch 2009 at prime time all India news today. We shall follow this interview with others.
We sek the support of citizens for reaching out to all.
Kris Dev
for TNEW
0 98 408 52132, Chennai.

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