Dear Mr Sathish,
Your concern is genuine.
One reason can be economic recession. The other can be losing faith in political parties rather than democracy.
This time 4,617 candidates from over 300 political parties and Independents contested for 543 Lok Sabha seats to be decided by an electroate of over 714 millions, yet with diminished percentage of polling.
A national level senior political leader said -
"not once in our history, since the first general elections in 1952, has a government been formed that commanded over 50 per cent of the polled votes. All the governments at the Centre had more people voting against them than supporting them. The closest to reach the majority mark was the Rajiv Gandhi government in 1984 that polled 48.1 per cent with 415 seats. The lowest was the 1998, the NDA government whose alliance polled 36.2 per cent. In 2004, both the Congress and the BJP together polled only 40 per cent. If democracy is the rule of the majority, then that has not yet been established."
We have no other go except to sail with instable coalitions.
On 4/24/09, Vernkatraman Rajendran < > wrote:
The analysis by Sathish (that the poll per centage this time has reduced) is really causing conern. Does it mean that the youth are getting more disillusioned with the electoral process and the democratic system. I only wish I were wrong. In fact I pray I should be wrong. But what else that this indicate? Psephologists to throw more light please. We say that more and more youth are concerned about nation building, literacy per centage has increased, awareness has risen, political interest is now enhanced and there is a wide-spread youth awakening. But what does this analysis indicate?V Rajendran
From: Sathish < >
Subject: [India_Vision_2020] Results on second phase polls...!
To: India_Vision_2020@yahoogroups .com
Date: Friday, April 24, 2009, 7:13 PM
Dear all,
I was just looking at the poll percentage of the 2009 elections. Since two phases of elections are over..I was really worried on seeing the poll percentage. The number of peoples turnout for voting was considerably less when compared to 2004 elections. Recently in the second phase of elections only 55% were recorded.
Phase 2 Elections poll turnuot
State 2004 2009
Andhra 72 68
Assam 69 62
Bihar 57 44
Goa 59 55
J&K 45 46
Jarkhand 57 47
Karnataka 62 55
MP 49 45
Maharastra 55 56
Manipur 56 65
Orissa 68 55
Tripura 67 80
UP 46 44
Total 59 55
Only Tripura has did a good job. I don't think those peoples are influenced by Internet and online campaigns.
What happened to the online vote campaign, online awareness on the importance of voting. Seemed to be a election with more number of young votes...but less number of votes registered when compared to 2004 elections. Does this proves that the approach was totally failed ? what is the result of the "n" number of NGO's working on this for past years ?
Wish to have some good numbers in the third and final phase of elections. And that too for sure In tamil nadu we need a change....lets see...!
One thing I am sure that.....we have to change the approach for making the peoples vote. Let's think differently.
Jai Hind...!
With love...Sathish.
Blossom Foundation.
Babji. Y,
PR Practitioner & Teacher
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