Hi all
Twitter, the latest microblogging tool is now changing the communication style. Within 140 characters, the messages are communicated.
In order to keep pace with the changing technological tools, we have also decided to feed important aspects of discussions, links, details about UnSung heroes through our exclusive Twitter. We will also be releasing the links of the important speeches of Dr Abdul Kalam and other National leaders. The main purpose is to gather all the tech savvy people who are dreaming about India 2020.
If you are already a Twitter member:
Please visit the link http://twitter.com/indian2020 , login your account and just click 'Follow' button. You will get the new postings in your timeline of your Twitter account.
If you are not a Twitter account holder
It is very simple. Go to www.twitter.com and click sign up. You need to enter your email id and password. You should also write your account name, how your account will be named. Here in our case, we have named our twitter account as Indian2020. If you give the details and submit, your account will get opened. Then you follow the procedure give in the earlier para.
Even if you do not have any account, you can see the tweets at www.twitter.com/indian2020
You may inform about this Twitter account to your friends and group members. and request them to follow.
Shiva, Ravi and myself will be managing this Twitter for time being.
Please visit the website http://www.indiavision2020.org to read inspiring articles of eminent personalities

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