Dear Sir,
"Hesitating to act because the whole vision might not be achieved, or because others do not yet share it, is an attitude that only hinders progress." - Mahatma
Dear all,
I agree with Dr. Santosh Babu.
Introduction e-Administration Open Source Tool for e-Governance for all G2C / G2G transactions and tracking using biometric smart card can see the transformation of India from the national level to the last hamlet level, through the stages of state, district, block and village. This has already been demonstrated in a few government offices.
Kris Dev
Life Line to Business
http://ll2b.blogspot. com
98 408 52132, ChennaiOn Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 8:31 PM, < > wrote:
Dear Sir,
Indeed an eyeopener, for a change! It only shows how technology can enable governance to be world class. I am sure that in the next couple of years, governance in Tamil Nadu will be e-nabled to become world class. Hopefully, God and Government willing, I will also have a small role to play in this transformation!Ultimately the Citizen should be King! That's our aim. I will also be writing to the RTO.
Warm regards
Santhosh Babu
MD ELCOTSent from BlackBerry® on Airtel
From: Prime Point Srinivasan
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2009 16:42:59 +0530
To: India Vision group<India_Vision_2020@yahoogroups >; < >
Subject: [India_Vision_2020] A corruption free ISO certified Regional Transport Office Hi friendsWhen I say 'corruption free Regional Transport Office', many eye brows will raise in surprise. Across the country, generally, RTO offices are perceived as 'mountain of corruption'. We have seen many media reports of Vigilance officers capturing tons and tons of money from the table drawers of officers. There may be many offices and officers who may be doing good job honestly. But they do not get highlighted. Many times, we as citizens corrupt them for our needs and then blame these departments as corruption grounds.I wanted to renew my driving license and also get Fitness Certificate for my 15 year old motor cycle. Instead approaching any brokers, I wanted to try myself going directlyas a citizen. I wanted to avoid payment of any bribe I wanted to experience myself whether we can do anything without bribe. Already, I had heard of Chennai West RTO Office, which is the only ISO certified RTO office in the whole country. I come under their jurisdiction. I went there yesterday. I got the information from them the forms that are to be submitted, the details of documents to be attached, etc. The whole office is fully computerized and they work online. Unfortunately, when I went there, the systems were not working and I had to return. Today morning, I went there by 8.45. I understand that nearly 1000 people visit that office for various works like LLR, license renewal, Registrations, Tax payment, etc. The whole office looks like a Corporate Office, with sufficient chairs, fans, clean toilet facilities and ventilation. Sharp at 9.30 the officers who were to handle the public were on the seat. They verifiedthe documents and guided the people in an orderly way, for making payment (official payment only! ) , taking photographs, verification of vehicle, etc. Mr K V Karthalingam, Regional Transport Officer who is in-charge of that office came down from his first floor office and sat along with the other officials in the open hall. He also started guiding the waiting public. In view of his presence, the whole system was functioning like a 'well oiled machine'.In the waiting hall, they have written in Tamil the procedures to be followed very clearly. They have specific time schedule for all the tasks. They asked me to collect the License and the Fitness Certificate tomorrow morning (next day itself) . They have also indicated to me, from which counter, I need to collect my documents back. I had gone there with three different tasks. I could come out of the office within 3 hours after completing all the formalities.Finally, i went and met Mr Karthalingam, RTO, introduced myself and congratulated him for the wonderful change, he has brought in the Government system. "We are all paid our salary out of public money. We need to further improve our service to the best possible manner. I want to make this office as a model office in the whole country", he said in a humble way.I also took his interviewin Tamil for podcast immediately. Normally, in all the RTO offices, the vehicle inspectors will be allowing the vehicles to be parked on the road side for verification, causing inconveneince to general public. Here, Mr Karthalingam has hired a big nearby ground from the Pallavan Transport Corporation and all the vehicles coming for inspection are being parked there and inspected. They got ISO certified last year and now they have also renewed the certification. I came out of the RTO office without paying one rupee as a bribe. I personally feel that we as citizens bribe the government officials and then blame them. Many of us want to do the job quickly, by passing the routine. We tend to approach 'middle man' for bribing the Government system. Unless, we as citizens change our mindset, we cannot reduce corruption. For normal renewalof license and getting fitness certificate, it took only three hours in the usual system. We can try honestly to approach the Government offices directly and be prepared for spending normal required time. I also place on record my appreciations to ELCOT (Electronic Corporation of Tamilnadu) and National InformaticaCentre, who are giving the technical support to this office. (Probably members may remember that we wrote about our another member Dr Santhosh Babu IAS, Mg. Director of ELCOT in these columns earlier) Mr Karthalingam is a great admirer of Dr Abdul Kalam. He says, he has read all his books and was motivated by his writings. That is why, he chose to make his office as a model office to provide the best services to his customers. Today, he has also joined our India Vision Group as a member.I suggest the members to visit this office, whenever you come to Chennai and see to yourself. He is also open for any suggestions and complaints for further improvement. His email id is kvkarthalingam (at) He can be reached at 24898240 / 24894466. You can also visit their website Three Cheers to Mr Karthalingam and his team.SrinivasanModerator91766 50273

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