Respected Sir,
Instead of taking rest for two hours, during the transit time, Dr Abdul Kalam Sir has chosen to meet the youngsters like me to motivate them to do more hard work. This incident inspires us to do more hard work for the Nation. His silent actions like this, bring us more strength in our heart. I am amazed with his simplicity.
Always following the footsteps of Dr Abdul kalam
K.Muruganandam. B.B.A,DCA
--- In India_Vision_
> dear friends
> On 11th August 2009 morning 11.15 am, I got the SMS from Mr Ponraj, Advisor
> to Dr Abdul Kalam that Dr Kalam was on flight to Chennai and he would be at
> Chennai Airport for two hours, before he boarded the other flight. During
> his waiting time, he would like to meet at 1 pm, 5 to 10 youngsters of
> Action 2020 team, who were doing service to the society. It was a pleasant
> surprise for me. I was wondering how Dr Kalam was passionate about meeting
> youth, even during his small break.
> Barely two hours left, I rang up to Balasubramanian (Kodambakkam 2020
> project), Britto (Friedz for Life), Vinod (VTrust) and Natarajan (Dream
> India). They all jumped with joy to get the unexpected reward. Around 10 of
> us assembled at the Airport. Immediately, after his arrival, he called us to
> the VIP waiting lounge. He spent around 50 minutes of his time with our
> team. He discussed meticulously on the projects done by the partner groups
> of Action 2020 team. He also gave them suggestionsfor improvement.
> [image: Dr Abdul Kalam with Action 2020 Team at
> Chennai]<http://1.bp.
> At the end of 50 minutes, we requested him to give his message for the
> Indian Youth and he readily permitted us to record his message. In his
> message, he naratted one instance when he participated in the 101st birthday
> of Tumkur Shivakumar Swamiji. The birth day celebrations was attended by 5
> lakh people. After all the people spoke, Swamiji spoke for 15 minutes
> without any difficulty, standing erect. This made Dr Abdul Kalam to wonder
> how Swamiji was maintaining such happiness even at the age of 101. Then he
> realised that Swamiji was running 220 educational institutions, benefitting
> more than one lakh children. In addition every day, he is feeding more than
> 15000 poor people. Dr Kalam realised since Swamiji was giving more, he was
> taking more happiness. In his exclusive messge, Dr Kalam advises the young
> people to 'give more and take more happiness'.
> Please listen to his exclusive message at
> http://www.podunive
> Srinivasan
> Moderator
> 91766 50273

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