Dear Friends,
We at Dream India, one of the partners of the India Vision2020 group, are happy to let you all know that we have been conducting personality cum spoken English class for the 8th standard students of Adyar Corporation school. We started the class in the month of September and have completed 5 weeks of classes so far.
Overall, 32 kids enrolled for the classes, but as with any class, we expect the numbers to consolidate very soon and are looking at having around 25 children attending regularly. Attached are couple of snaps we took at one of the classes. There are a few children who are with extremely wonderful attitude and are ready to make use of our presence there.
If you are any of your friends would like to visit the class, please do call me at 99406 75570. Classes are held every Saturday at 10 - 11.30 AM at Adyar school.
At this moment, I would like to thank a few people who really helped us get going with the classes. Ms.Anu George, DC Education Chennai Corporation, Mr.Vikesh, Editor Junior Vikatan, Mr.Srinivasan Sir and last but not the least, Mr.Jayaraman, HM of Adyar school.
Will keep you all posted with updates as and when possible.
"Hesitating to act because the whole vision might not be achieved, or because others do not yet share it, is an attitude that only hinders progress." - Mahatma

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