Dear Muralikrishnan ji, What you have expressed is right and I think we all patriots have same feeling... A few days back our Moderator Srinivasan ji had voiced about effectiveness of leadership of our pre-independence Political Heroes... That's a history now.. Today, despite our country's growth (due to vast patriotic inputs), we are facing problems in many walks of life as our politics has reached to its nadir.. There is a sordid amalgam of lack of patriotism, lack of courage, lack of honesty and lack of character in our politicians. > Can't we have 2 party system of democracy (as in USA)? [To stop horse trading and having consistent & decisive governance]. > Can't we, the countrymen have RIGHT to select members of these parties first than just to elect them? [At present we are only electing between choices... say we are voting for XYZ party but we don't really like its candidate who we know is a 'Don' but we have no other option... so if we can have a bunch of selected people FIRST in both the parties (who are suppose to be the MP or MLA), we can rest assured of good polity]. We can still work on Gandhi's Way and Sardar's Visions... for betterment of our generations to come... Jai Hind, Shaurya Shah --- On Sat, 29/11/08, Sunderraj Muralikrishnan <muralikrishnans@ From: Sunderraj Muralikrishnan <muralikrishnans@ |
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