To realise the developed India by 2020

Sunday, November 2, 2008

[India_Vision_2020] Oct 2008 issue of ezine - Cyber crimes, cyber security and protecting your computers

dear friends

We are pleased to release the October 2008 issue of ezine focussing on Cyber crimes. In this issue, we have dealt with the various types of Cyber crimes, Cyber security issues, including Cyber Terrorism.  With the growth of technology, the threat is also growing at faster t speed.  We have also dealt  with the cyber laws governing these threats.  We have ensured that even basic users can understand the concept fully. 

This issue is Guest Edited by Mr N Vittal, Former Central Vigilance Commissioner of India.  When he was the IT Secretary to Indian Government, he had sown the seeds of technological growth in India.  Subsequetly, when he became the Central Vigilance Commissioner of India, he ensured that all the Banks in India computerise  their operations to ensure more transparency.  We are greatly honoured to have him as our Guest Editor who has contributed significantly in the Technological growth in this part of the world.

We have linked two podcasts along with this ezine (1) Mr Vittal's speech on Cyber crime and (2) Mr Ramakrishnan's (Director General of C-DAC) interview on cyber forensic tools.

This ezine will be useful for all the corporates and individuals to know the threats in cyber space and to get themselves protected.  Please also circulate this ezine to your contacts, so that an awareness gets created.  If any organisation needs any further support and guidance, please ask them to write to us at

This ezine may also be downloaded from the following link (pdf 365 k)

K. Srinivasan
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