Hi, It is a Very Good Idea.
It is right -initial - step. All must realise and execute it immediately.
But it must executed in caution.
We should not stop with this "mass level Anti Child Begging Campaign" alone.
If it is not followed by our continous action to place them in right position we will be doing injustice to the needy if one really begs for his food and survival. Its every one's duty to provide them better means. All initiatives must be taken to counsell them and place them comfortably in good child care centres or orphages.
We, (myself and our AUM Education Seva Trust) are already on the job and are agree with you and expect you to follow our caution carefully along with the campaign to do our best.
with regards
aum murugan
On 11/11/08, alages waran <alagesforindia@gmail.com > wrote:
I except the same. The children's day should be celebrated as per the wish of Pandit Jawarlal Nehru as he is the main celebrative.
On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 8:09 PM, Padmashri Sampathkumar <padmashri_sampathkumar@yahoo. > wrote:com
It is a novel idea to celebrate Childrens day. Political parties can donate funds by minimising thier expenses honouring Pandi Nehru on this occasion.I am sure this program will be taken up in all centers.On my part I will back up your efforts.From: nehainnanje <nehainnanje@yahoo.com >
Subject: [India_Vision_2020] Re: Anti Child Begging Campaign
To: India_Vision_2020@yahoogroups .com
Date: Tuesday, November 11, 2008, 2:16 PM
Dear frnds,> http://www.indianex press.com/ news/innocence- with-a-flaw/ 383628/
let me know if any type of programme is being conducted in hyderabad.
--- In India_Vision_ 2020@yahoogroups .com, "Natarajan Raman"
<natadreams@ ...> wrote:
> Dear Friends,
> Dream India, one of the partner organizations of India Vision 2020,
> planned to conduct this
weekend on
> Nov 15th and 16th in Pune city. We decided to make a positive
> this children's day and what better than creating awareness about
evils of
> child begging.
> Thanks to a few other city based NGO's, Radio Mirchi and various
> media, we have already started reaching the public of Pune city.
> Article in Indian Express:
> Article in DNA: Attached PDF.
> We definitely need your blessings and complete support to make this
> successful. We sincerely hope to reach the complete city with the
> Please pass on this message to all your friends and if any of them
live in
> Pune, please request them to join us the campaign at any one of the
> places.
> Along with partner organizations, we have started planning for
> campaign at Chennai too. Will update once we come up with a
concrete plan.
> Regards,
> Natarajan
> Dream India
> "Hesitating to act because the whole vision might not be achieved,
> because others do not yet share it, is an attitude that only hinders
> progress." - Mahatma
> http://di2020. blogspot. com/
genius of genius
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