You are really doing a great job.
Dr. Kalam always influenced me and I was always looking for his influencial speeches.
Through this group "India Vision 2020" you are inspiring young generation of India to develop a prosperous and stronger nation. It's a mission that is going to be successful and all Indians esp. young generation plays a big part of that.
Thanking you.
On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 12:45 PM, Shiva Pas < > wrote:
Hello AllThe podcast is a very inspiring one. To know first hand account of Dr.Kalam's thinking from close quarter is amazing. It is true "He gives 100% attention to those who are speaking to him" .. We have experienced it personally .Mr.Ponraj & team has been a big support to Dr.Kalam in executing his thoughts into action. We salute him & his wonderful team.Dr Kalam continues to inspire us !!RegardsFrom: Prime Point Srinivasan < >
Subject: [India_Vision_2020] A day with Dr Abdul Kalam - How he spends the day? - A podcast interview
To: "India Vision group" <India_Vision_2020@yahoogroups >, "pons" < >
Date: Wednesday, November 26, 2008, 5:51 PM
dear friendshttp://www.podunive 2008/11/day- with-dr-abdul- kalam-how- he-manages. html
We have always been wondering, how Dr Abdul Kalam spends his day. After coming out of Rashtrapathi Bhavan, he has become too busy. If you look at the site www.abdulkalam. com, you will find his speeches on a daily basis. He tours length and breadth of India and also frequently visits various countries.
Every speech he delivers is fully packed with so much of new information, data, etc. These speeches are now preferred documents for many students, researchers, corporate houses, etc. How does he manage the preparation of speeches?
In an exclusive interview for PodUniversal, Mr V Ponraj, Advisor to Dr Kalam gives the first hand account of a day in Dr Kalam's Office. Mr Ponraj is a scientist working in DRDO and is also part of the Technology Interface Group in Dr Kalam's Office. Mr Ponraj spends most of his day working with Dr Kalam and also travels along with him within and outside the country. He is also the Editor of 'Billion Beats' epaper published by Dr Kalam's Office through their site.
Please listen to the podcast interview from the following link. Please also post your comments there.
http://www.action20 2008/11/day- with-dr-abdul- kalam-how- he-manages. html
Prime Point
94440 50273
warm regards
Ashish kr.
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