well guys lets not be angry or being led by emotions for the moment. It is all perfectly natural for us to be angry and feel disgusted and frustrated. And may be by monday when you go to office, school etc and will do your usual work, you will just forget the anger and with in a week the life will get normal as usual.
However, with in next 3-4 months or with in a yr similar incident will happen and again your blood will boil for few hrs to few days and you will again blame someone, will sought something and will forget. This will go on and on may be until it will hit someone dear to you, in that case there will be more sadness and grief which may last a little longer to few months to may be a yr. But again we all be back to doing the same job that we do everyday and just will accept this as a fact of life.
There is no harm in doing what you are already doing or everyday job, as you are contributing to society. However if you really wanna change the way your contribution should be utilized then you need to be part of decision making system - the politics.
One of the biggest reason for all this could happen because there is no political will power to safeguard the life of common people. Responsible people like Raj Thackeray, they instead of becoming the part of solution create the problems. Political leaders keep blaming each other, and most of the time of police goes in maintaining peace and harmony within and among ourselves. How can they concentrate on outsiders or terrorists.
Anyway, there are few things that can really bring about the changes:
1) Become the part of decision making directly - i.e. join politics, support the parties of educated and visionaries by joining them or funding them.
2) Become the part of decision making indirectly - i.e. go yourself and motivate your friends and vote.
- or Also, join or start the foundations that can keep check on Govt. activities. (search on google)
- or Actively write or participate or keep an eye on what is happening around.
- or Raise funds for brave soldiers who got killed, for their family so that tomorrow people like these will not feel fool to be martyrs
3) Close your eyes and pray to God things such as these will not happen to you or your dear ones.
Well I believe if you think you have more intellectual then you should really do 1, and motivate others for 2;
3 is something that we all anyway doing now.
And about the terrorists captured, well if they are soldiers, which they most likely be, then its not their brain - they are just trained to do these activities with brain wash, so hanging them in public would be of no use, better try to get to the real brains behind them and punish those people.
On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 11:25 PM, hemant phadnis <hemant_phadnis2000@yahoo.com > wrote:
I am in complete agreement with you.Where were all our local politicians in this period?How come their voice stopped suddenly? Or they are also become dumstruck of this incident ? Democracy is difinitely the ornament of our country. We love humanity and not terrorism.This is shear fall of human intellect.I salute all our solders and all defense institution who flushed out all terrorist from the hotels in mumbai and bring situation under control.Along with these terrorist we lost our good human beings too.Will it make slight impact on the rusted and shameless mind of these politician? Forget it!!I think they should be flushed out first and run parallel role in the government with defence officials.From: aparna pushp <pushpaparna@gmail.com >
Subject: Re: [India_Vision_2020] What should be done to terrorists in Custody?
To: India_Vision_2020@yahoogroups .com
Date: Saturday, 29 November, 2008, 5:44 AM
All the terrorists should be hanged in public or public should decide
about those terrorist. All the terrorist
should be hanged by those people who have lost their relatives in bombblast.
Jai Hind
On Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 11:06 AM, Shaurya Shah
<shaurya_munich@ yahoo.co. in> wrote:
> Dear All,
> Please ask your hearts, "What should be done to the terrorists who are in
> custody at Ahmedabad?"
> Jai Hind,
> Shaurya Shah
> ____________ _________ _________ __
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