I entirely agree.
But I have a question which is nagging me.How is it that 12 or 20
terrorists hold the entire city/nation to ransom.Even assuming they
had terrible ammunition,dont we have enough people -armed people to
disarm these antisocial animals?Israel can teach lessons.How did they
save almost everyone except one or two of those kidnapped & hijacked
passengers at Entebbe?The simple point is we keep our borders porous
on the coast & on the northeast.We have money to distribute
gifts/subsidies but no keenness to secure our borders.The primnary
duty of govt is provide security,food,
healthcare.All parties have failed to provide but have time/money for
unwanted items because of petty politics.
Only God can help this nation!
Best wishes
On Fri, Nov 28, 2008 at 8:47 PM, Prime Point Srinivasan
> dear friends
> Mumbai terrorist attack is coming to end. At this moment of my writing this
> post, official confirmation of death is yet to be received. Few brave
> soldiers, including senior officials of Mumbai have sacrificed their life
> for the Nation. Nearly 100 plus commandos, braving their life, faced the
> well trained and motivated terrorists for more than two days. They have
> done their job, in the presence of hundreds of cameras meticulously. They
> brought glory to the Indian Army and to the country. We salute them for
> their timely job at the time of National crisis.
> After taking possession of Nariman Bhavan, these bravemen, boarded their
> Military Van and left the place, amidst the cheeres of the people around.
> This was shown in all channels. If anyone had observed closely, they all
> left without any expression on their faces, with a great satisfaction of
> having done their job to the Nation. We may not remember the faces of
> these 'unsung heroes', but we remember their brave act.
> srinivasan
> prime point
> 94440 50273

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