Well Srinivasan, thats a very good thought and I agree we need to do something about it. I have been researching on this for past 3-4 years that how can India really improve, and realized that it can not unless people like us would start to join politics. We have everything needed, to become whatever we want, in terms of man power, resources and brain; problem is there is no proper direction and people don't work together towards a common goal, and the main decision makers - Politicians, they do not bother about the country.
So the best way you can do something is by joining Politics or motivate others, whom you know are capble, to join or atleast go out and vote.
Secondly, leaving things to Military is not really a solution, its same as doing what our constituion makers did 50 yrs back, left everything to politicians. This is your problem and you should solve it yourself, military can help you in doing so however.
Put more pressure on your brain, come up with ideas, and educate people around you to solve this problem.
hi allI am srinivasan a final year MBA student...i join you all in mourning the death of our brave officers in the mumbai massacre...i am deeply moved while i see their bodies been consumed by the fire...they did their duty and have died with utmost satisfaction of dying for their country...but i feel its not enough if we just mourn and condole their death...lets rise "enough is enough" so i feel all educated and well informed people in this forum should put on their ideas about what can be done to prevent another incident of this magnitude from being repeated.I feel india should have a state of emergency declared for atleast another 2 years and leave the country to the army so that they will be able flush out all the terrorist from this country and create a highly secured india where the bloody killers called terrorist will never dare to enter.THERE IS ANOTHER WAR TO BE FOUGHT WITH OUR OWN SELFISH POLITICIANS TO SAVE OUR COUNTRYLETS JOIN,TOGETHER WE CANJAI HIND

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