dear friends
We had earlier announced about the Action 2020 - UnConference by India
Vision online group. The UnConference was held at Chennai on Saturday
the 17th Jan 2009. 100 leaders/founders representing 35 social
service organisations participated in the event. These 35
organisations are backed by nearly 10,000 young professionals and
students. These organisations are already in social service activities
silently and they are already working in 500 plus projects covering
1.5 laksh beneficiaries, with funds outlay of Rs.50 lakhs. (with own
/ sponsored funds without any Govt. support)
The purpose of this UnConference was to synergise the creativity of
the youth and the expertise of elders. Many eminent people
participated in the event and shared their experiences. The day long
event provided great opportunity for the youth leaders to develop
strategies for working together with other like minded organisations
for achieving Developed India by 2020.
During the morning session, Dr Y S Rajan (Co-author of the book India
2020 with Dr Kalam) interacted with the participants over phone from
Delhi. In the afternoon session, Dr Abdul Kalam, interacted with them
for more than 20 minutes and shared his views over phone, from Delhi.
He also administered an oath to all - "I can do it; We can do it;
India can do it:". The participants repeated the slogan in loud voice
jointly with Dr Kalam three times. At the end of the day, the
participants returned home with charged energy and with more
motivation to achieve their goal.
We will be releasing the most inspiring interaction session with Dr
Abdul Kalam separately. Meanwhile, we are releasing the 4 minutes
visual feature telecast by Kalaignar TV in their news channel on this
event today. Though, the narration is in Tamil, you can watch this
visuals to understand the magnitude of the event.
Please click to watch
Prime Point

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