dear friends
Last week, I had circulated about Action 2020 UnConference organised
by India Vision 2020 Group. I had also informed about the
interaction session with Dr Kalam for nearly 20 minutes.
As you may be aware, Dr Abdul Kalam publishes an epaper 'Billion
Beats' and he is the Chief Editor of the epaper. Many eminent people
are in editorial team. Billion Beats carry only success stories. All
the issues may be downloaded from www.abdulkalam.
The latest issue of Billion Beats, released on the eve of Republic
Day Celebrations carry a detailed report about our Action 2020 -
UnConference with photos. The epaper has also carried the case study
of Muruganandam, a joint project by India Vision partner groups and
the inspiring story of the 10th standard student, who offered to give
his entire savings of Rupees five thousand for the Society, during the
Action 2020 event.
Please download the epaper from the following link

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