Dear Shri Rajsekar Subramaniam,
I was glad that you have rightly thought of informing the Public about the Centenary Celeberations of affable, lovable Shri CS. He was omni present whenever any significant development happened in India but yet was unassuming and easily approachable. I had the privilege of listening to him on many occassions during my graduation/post graduation days at University of Agricultural Sciences, Hebbal, Bangalore.
As rightly pointed out by Shri Narendra, It would be but appropriate if Centenary Celeberations focus on Agriculture, Rural Development, Health, Hygiene, low cost but safe shelter for the People in Rural Areas.
Poor people in general and major portion of our population depending on Agriculture and agriculture based/related activities in rural areas in particular need special attention and focus.
I hope it would be a fitting tribute and acknowledgement of his contribution for Developments in Agriculture, Dairy and Rural Development if National Agro Foundation (NAF) takes lead in rededicating itself not only for the development of the Core Farm activity but also to bridge the divide that is seen in the living standards because of Telecommunication, Digitalisation, Information Technology, Mass Communication media etc.
NAF should aim at the Prevailing Paradox - Poverty amidst Plenty could be successfully tackled byadoption and adaption of appropriate technology in all the spheres of Rural Living. Dr APJ has concepualised PURA in this direction. Ihope NAF would consider this.
India Vision 2020 group also may actively involve in the Cenenary Celeberations in it's own way. Infact the beginning has already been made by Shri Srinivasan. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate him also.
I endorse the views of Shri Narendra in instituting an Award/Chair/Institution to coordinate the work of multivarious technical organisations Especially agricultural sciences that includes Space tech/Meteorology/BT/application of nulcear Tech. CS was a man of Science. At least one krishi ratna Award deserves to be named after CS.
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