dear friends
While health care is getting projected in a large way in India, 'preventive health care' is not getting adequate attention. Pune based Indus Health Plus, for the past eight years, has been creating awareness about this 'preventive health care' in a successful manner, in an affordable cost. In partnership with many reputed institutions, they have transformed the lives of nearly 1.5 lakh people by way of diagnosis and health education, at different places.
As part of their CSR activity, they have now decided to support the 'under privileged' children of Municipal schools. These children would be diagnosed and given proper health awareness free of cost. For this purpose, they have organised a motivational seminar with Mr Shiv Khera, at Pune and Mumbai, with the support of various sponsors, priced at lower level. They would like to use the funds generated out of this, for supporting the poor children.
In a freewheeling conversation for PodUniversal, Mr Amol Naikawadi, Joint Managing Director of Indus Health Plus Pvt Limited, explains the importance of preventive health care and their activities. They can be contacted at www.indushealthplus
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