Thank you Mr Babu. The details that you have given us are invaluable. Shows us how many government schemes are out there and that we just need to tap into them sincerely. We will do our best based on what you have given us and make this happen.
The Life is short; the vanities of world are transient but they alone live who live for others;
The rest are more dead than alive - Swami Vivekananda
Dear Natarajan Raman, Jeganathan Kumaresan and Varun,Thank you for your responses.May I also thank Mr.Srinivasan (Prime point) for introducing me to the group. He is a real inspiration, with his tireless energy and enthusiasm, and his ability to connect with people of different backgrounds seamlessly.My initial mail was in response to Raman's mail. I am happy that the subject of livelihood and sanitation has struck a chord with you, especially sanitation.Kumaresan, let me compliment you for the initiative that you are taking. I started my career as Sub Collector, Chidambaram in 1998-1999. Keerapalayam and its then President Mr.Pannerselvam used to be close to me, because of the great sense of purpose with which they took up the DANIDA project of sanitation. Keerapalayam and its president became a role model for other Panchayats. So you are from a Village Panchayat which has been a first.Regarding your queries on reenrolling dropouts, my suggestion is that you should work this out with your Collector Mr.Rajendra Ratnoo, who is a proactive Officer and his SSA team. SSA has huge funding for dropouts. You could tap those funds in starting your own little school for these dropouts @ Rs.51,000/school/year. But this is only for children upto 14 years ( It is a pity that we don't recognise children above 14 for the purposes of reenrollment. ) Your team should continuously monitor and motivate these children. In Krishnagiri I had a team of about 20 to 30 younsters called the Village Volunteer Force (Grama Tannarva Padai) in each of the 337 Village Panchayats who were trained through UNICEF. about 10,000 such volunteers would identify, track these children and bring the requests of the family for help to the Collector through the werbsite www.back2school. in All such requests can be satisfied by the Collector.Students who have completed 10 th std can be trained to become rural BPO workers or they could be trained to insource contract job works of the factories close by. You may visit Krishnagiri to see the Rural BPO FOSTeRa (Fostering Technologies in Rural Areas ( Dr.Kalam is visiting Krishnagiri on 7/1/09 to see the 5 rural BPOs we have created, where 10th std and above rural students are doing world class BPO work and earning between Rs.5000 to 12,000/ month. ( )ELCOT, NASSCOM and FOSTeRA have now joined together to start rural BPOs in all districts of Tamil Nadu. The tender has been finalized and the agency selected to train about 7000 rural youth (250/district) in the next 6 months. Any individual or institution willing to start a rural BPO by investing about Rs.20.00 lakhs on the Krishnagiri look and feel model can do so by signing an MoU with ELCOT on a franchisee model. The candidates trained by the training agency can be used by the franchisee.Varun, I can understand your exaspiration! You have tried your best, but then burecaratic inefficiencies have stood in your way. But I am still sure that a solution is possible. Mumbai being Mumbai where every inch of land is costly, there can be such problems. I was talking about Village Panchayats for which Rs.2400 is available for each rural home BPL for putting up a toilet. Districts have Rs.40- 50 crores available under the Total Sanitation Campaign of the Rural Development Ministry.Nirmal Gram Puraskars are given by the President of India to each Panchayat doing 100% sanitation. Krishnagiri recieved 76 awards this year, one of the highest in the country. But similar project is not available for urban areas. This is a real pity. But I am sure if you make concerted efforts, some sensitive official will undestand your situation and make it happen. It is a question of being patient and persistent. Please don't give up so easily! You could approach Dr.Sathish Bhide IAS, my batchmate and currently in Mumbai Muncipal Corporation for help.I hope my reply is useful to you. I have seen your website www. . Let me salute you for the steps you are taking for the underprivileged. Work along with Government and you will be more successful. I am sure you will face difficulties, but then the might and funds of Govt. will be of great use in your crusade.You could use the software developed by me ( ) to track your childrenKeep up the fire in your belly!!!As you say "together we can and together we should" and may I hasten to add "together we will"With affectionate regards,--- On Sun, 1/4/09, Jeganathan Kumaresan <jk2107@gmail.
Dr.Santhosh Babu, IAS.,
MD, ELCOT, & Director, E-Governance,
Govt. of Tamil Nadu,Chennai - 600035
99404-74863 (Per),, ,
www.elcot.incom > wrote:From: Jeganathan Kumaresan < >
Subject: Re: [India_Vision_2020] Dr Santhosh Babu, our member is featured in the Top 10 Achievers of 2008
Cc: India_Vision_2020@yahoogroups .com
Date: Sunday, January 4, 2009, 11:52 AM
Attn Dr. Santhosh Babu,Dear Sir,
Our country is coming out of poverty, Infrastructure is being created.
Now, as you have done and doing for education & hygiene, which is prime basics to be addressed. I used to get dreams like my village has got complete sanitation facility. To make it true I have intended to start small business at village level so that agriculture dependences are reduced. I am aware my education block (Keerapalayam, Chidambaram taluk) has fewer dropouts in primary level but has bit more in higher secondary level.
It was my focus to business (economic) first then attack the higher level dropouts as we should have means to address it.
I truly understand that we have other ways to do it from your noble action/service. Right now, I am a organising a team to start small business to equip educated (not college level) students, a labour intensive, and also addressing dyslexia. Besides, we have intended to equip the school children with the memory technique, physical health and knowledge on developmental skills or employable skills.
I request your advice in the following.
1) Means to provide promote higher level dropout, in my area, all drop outs due to not afford education cost and stigma in getting job after education.
2) Approach to have while dealing with higher level dropout
3) Business opportunities school level educated (finance, marketing, technology..
) We do have some money to invest in the business for youngsters. And every successful entrepreneur will be entrusted with some specific social task like education, hygiene, social harmony.
About us.
We are, some of friends, forming a group in doing all above in Chidambaram Taluk.
2009/1/3 Dr.Santhosh Babu < >
Dear friends,
May I thank you for your compliments!
It would be a great privilege for me to work with youngsters like, for you have the fire in your belly for change and quick change at that. I truly believe that it is possible to transform our rural areas in a very short span of lets say 5 years, if (and only if) we ensure that every child of school going age is in school and not outside and every house has a toilet.These two are the sin qua non for development. Once they reach at least the 10th std, it is possible to equip them with skills to transform them into world class workers for our manufacturing and IT industries. ( for our industries are today crying for skilled manpower) Thus if we could take a leaf from our Great Dr.Kalam's vision, we could Provide Urban Opportunities in Rural Areas (PURA). Funds are not a constraint at all today.
Looking forward to working with each one of you in Totally Transforming India,
I remain
Yours sincerely
Dr.Santhosh Babu, IAS.,MD, ELCOT, Director, E-Governance, Govt. of Tamil Nadu,Chennai - 600035
>99404-74863 (Per),, ,

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