Thank you for the encouragement and the words of wisdom Mr Babu. We are all with you together on this trip to transform rural India. A lot of us have been thinking for a very long time about the paucity of toilets in not only homes of India but also in public spaces. Those that are there are in really nasty conditions and not usable most of the time.
Varun Rangarajan
The Life is short; the vanities of world are transient but they alone live who live for others;
The rest are more dead than alive - Swami Vivekananda
Dear friends,
May I thank you for your compliments!
It would be a great privilege for me to work with youngsters like, for you have the fire in your belly for change and quick change at that. I truly believe that it is possible to transform our rural areas in a very short span of lets say 5 years, if (and only if) we ensure that every child of school going age is in school and not outside and every house has a toilet.These two are the sin qua non for development. Once they reach at least the 10th std, it is possible to equip them with skills to transform them into world class workers for our manufacturing and IT industries. ( for our industries are today crying for skilled manpower) Thus if we could take a leaf from our Great Dr.Kalam's vision, we could Provide Urban Opportunities in Rural Areas (PURA). Funds are not a constraint at all today.
Looking forward to working with each one of you in Totally Transforming India,
I remain
Yours sincerely
Dr.Santhosh Babu, IAS.,MD, ELCOT, Director, E-Governance, Govt. of Tamil Nadu,Chennai - 600035
>99404-74863 (Per),, ,

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