dear friends
I could not resist sharing the following incident that has happened
during Action 2020 - UnConference.
The Event was held in Ramakrishna Mission Higher Secondary School
(South) at T Nagar. The School was working for half a day. Dr Kalam
was scheduled to address the participants over phone after 2.30 PM.
Few of the students who came to know that Dr Kalam would be speaking
over phone, stayed back and ere waiting to listen to Dr Kalam.
Dr Kalam came online over phone at 3 PM and interacted for nearly 22
minutes. At the end of the interaction session, he wanted the
participants to repeat along with him - "I can do it; We can do it;
India can do it". The enthusiastic participants repeated this
mantra along with Dr Kalam three times and ended with Jai Hind.
One of the 10th standard student Mr Venkatraman, who was present there
listening to Dr Kalam's interaction session, came to us and asked us
whether there was any student group amongst the participants.
Immediately, we connected him to Kalam Nagappan, Founder of Young
Helping MInds, a group of nearly 500 students.
Immediately, the student told us," Sir, I have in my hundi around
five thousand rupees, saved out of the pocket money given by my
parents. Now the entire money, i want to spend to the society and to
the Nation. I do not want to spend lavishly."
It was so exciting to see how the mantra, " I can do it, We can do it,
India can it" administered by Dr Kalam could change the mind of an
young boy towards National development.
This incident has proved one important aspect. We have lot of youth
amongst us with commitment and fire. What they need is only proper
guidance and opportunity. There is a great task ahead of us.

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