hello friends., warm regards from 'The Student' magazine.. as i mailed u... we expect you people to contribute new stories for the magazine. the magazine carries news related to achievements (social service by the students and for the students) of students, problems they are facing in and around the campus, their political views., Student from any college can contribute stories for this magazine., Teachers are also welcome., there is a column in which teachers can write about the quality of education and how the students can develop the skills.
2009/2/14 kliugi murugan <megamurugan1983@yahoo.com >
Hi Dear Indians,This is Murugan. I am new person from this group.I want more details about STUDENT MAGAZINE . Can any one please inform all the task which are related to the STUDENT MAGAZINE. I would like to help and support in this Useful project.
What are the activities are related in this Magazine. Now i am working in one of the Software company so i wish to do anything for this magazine.
Let you inform when this project is to be start.
Looking for your reply..
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--- On Wed, 11/2/09, pramila <prami2007@gmail.com > wrote:From: pramila <prami2007@gmail.com >Date: Wednesday, 11 February, 2009, 10:06 PM
Subject: [India_Vision_2020] from The Student magazine
Hi., friends, i am Pramila..i met you at 'India Vision 2020' meet and i spoke abt 'THE STUDENT' magazine.i was happy to meet all of u there.. after coming to Chennai..on an average, i talk to over 150 students., out of them only three students wished to work for a magazine and ready to voice out theproblems of the society.I was not depressed. i hoped to meet 'like-minded' people and it happened at India vision.We expect students and scores of youth to expose societal issues..regardsbye
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