Dear all, I wish to express my thoughts in the form of an article written by me.I don't know whether it complies on the standards set by the moderators but I think it should, because this article made its way to August edition of Billion Beats last year. I am forwarding the article to you.It reads as follows: The Problem is our attitude Yesterday, I was waiting for green signal at a square when suddenly a laborer dragging a thela came shouting at me to move in a red signal. His words were "Are jaane do, agar aapko nahi jaana toh hamein to jaane doh," I considered his foolishness as he was an uneducated person but what about the educated group. Later when I was returning I found that the signal was red but no one even gave a single look at it before crossing it. I was the only person to stand and wait there. It's not about following or not following traffic rules, the problem is that we are not willing to change. We have already decided our limitations. Yesterday in a hotel a person after looking at crowd just said that "Ab toh bas yahin baithe rahna hai" whereas we also came at the same time but we got entry in about 15 minutes and that person could not get it only because of his negative attitude. Why we think that nothing can change when we are ourself not ready to change? There is a problem of parking space everywhere, but still multi storied parking cannot solve the problem because we are not ready to climb stairs so we do not use them. We just see the tangible benefits but we do not see the intangible benefits. We cannot employ a watchman to check that no one keeps vehicle outside on the road because he will himself take Rs.100 bribe and let people keep vehicle. Traffic police cannot send crane there because there is no space for the huge crane on the narrow road. What is result? The road becomes narrower due to vehicles and stalls etc. and finally we face the problem, we are not able to reach our destination fast and then we break traffic rules and do accidents. Finally loss is to our country. Our country loses human resource, our country's GDP remains less, our country's Per Capita remains less and finally when our country is called undeveloped we blame the govt. We are the real enemies of nation and not those who do not shout in India-Pakistan Cricket match for India. These are small mistakes but results in big problem. This is my request to all the Indians, Change your attitude, think positively; the world can change if we change. Change is the only permanent thing in this world. The development of a nation is in the interest of the individual. One billion people when divided, cause a big problem for a nation but the same billion people when united, can become the strength of a country, so unite together and contribute towards the development of India till you succeed. NOTE:You may check the link http://www.abdulkal for confirmation if required. |
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