Dear Rajasekar,
For those young people of the 50s, to say that they have seen Mahatma Gandhi was a great thing.To have been able to say that they have met Gandhi was one step higher. But to say that they have conversed with Gandhi was the ultimate in satisfaction. Similarly, I am very happy and proud that I have seen your father, met him, conversed with him and held discussion with him are somethings that I will cherish in my life.
Dr T.Ramasami, who was our trustee till he joined as the Secretary of S & T, has done justice to your father in his speech.I wish and pray success in all your efforts, and hope you will emulate your father in his vision.
2009/1/30 Rajsekar Subramaniam < >
Dear Friends,
I am herewith enclosing a copy of the speech rendered by Dr. T. Ramasami, Secretary, Department of Science & Technology today evening at Madras University.
With warm regards,
S S Rajsekar
Chennai Consultancy Services Pvt Ltd
481-A Mount Road, Chennai 600 035
Tel: +91 44 42131237(office)
Fax: +91 44 2431 0050
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