Dear Mr. Kalam Nagappan,
Your mail is another inspiration. Normally long mail bores the reader but each word and every sentence has valuable information and it seems the vision can be achieved.
I am from Tamilnadu (Cuddalore dist, Keerapalayam block). I do have dream of making a pura block covering Keeraplayam (may be somebody already working). In fact I want to see Keerapalayam block has all facilities like world class hygiene (Thanks to Mr. Surya Prakash who advised to think of world class), 100% higher education, of course employment. Notable by having world class hygiene means low child birth mortality & long life expectancy and high efficiency.
Please advise how you can help me in initiation the task. Like this I am in touch with some other pioneers for their advice.
Linkage of power is fabulous, I have red repeatedly to understand .
J. Kumaresan
Dr. RH Kulkarni Memorial Lecture complex at BVB Engineering College
06/Feb/2009 : Hubli
Creative Leadership Commander has to become a coach
I am delighted to participate in the inauguration of Dr. RH Kulkarni Memorial Lecture Hall Complex and the Deshpande Centre for Social Entrepreneurship at BVB College of Engineering Technology. My greetings to Shri Prabhakar Kore, Shri NR Narayana Murthy, Smt. Sudha Murty, and Principal, Faculty Members, Students, Staff and distinguished guests.
Dr. R. H. Kulkarni, father of Mrs. Sudha Murty, was a great teacher and is remembered by his students in all over North Karnataka for his intellect, kindness and for his spreading happiness all-around. Dr. Kulkarni always encouraged education, particularly for girls and was a pioneer in encouraging his daughter to take up an engineering course in this college. I congratulate Smt. Sudha Murty for remembering her alma-mater and providing the vital infrastructure for the institution in the memory of her father. During the last six decades BVB College of Engineering and Technology, has grown from strength to strength and has generated over twelve thousand engineers who are contributing in various assignments in the country and abroad. While I am in the midst of this audience, I would like to talk on the topic "Creative Leadership".
Economic development and prosperity Since I am in the midst of Students and faculty members, I would like to talk to you about the national economic development and its linkage with creative leadership.
„X Nations Economic development is powered by competitiveness.
„X The competitiveness is powered by knowledge power.
„X The knowledge power is powered by Technology and innovation.
„X The Technology and innovation is powered by resource investment.
„X The Resource investment is powered by revenue and return on Investment.
„X The Revenue is powered by Volume and repeat sales through customer loyalty.
„X The customer loyalty is powered by Quality and value of products.
„X Quality and value of products is powered by Employee Productivity and innovation.
„X The Employee Productivity is powered by Employee Loyalty, employee satisfaction and working environment.
„X The Working Environment is powered by management stewardship.
„X Management stewardship is powered by Creative leadership.
For success in all missions we need creative leaders. Creative leadership means exercising the vision to change the traditional role from the commander to the coach, manager to mentor, from director to delegator and from one who demands respect to one who facilitates self-respect. For our national economic development, the thrust will be on the growth of number of creative leaders generated by the educational institutions like BVB College of Engineering and Technology.
Now let me describe my visualization of the distinctive profile of India by 2020.
Distinctive Profile of India by 2020 1. A Nation where the rural and urban divide has reduced to a thin line.
2. A Nation where there is an equitable distribution and adequate access to energy and quality water.
3. A Nation where agriculture, industry and service sector work together in symphony.
4. A Nation where education with value system is not denied to any meritorious candidates because of societal or economic discrimination.
5. A Nation, which is the best destination for the most talented scholars, scientists, and investors.
6. A Nation where the best of health care is available to all.
7. A Nation where the governance is responsive, transparent and corruption free.
8. A Nation where poverty has been totally eradicated, illiteracy removed and crimes against women and children are absent and none in the society feels alienated.
9. A Nation that is prosperous, healthy, secure, devoid of terrorism, peaceful and happy and continues with a sustainable growth path.
10. A Nation that is one of the best places to live in and is proud of its leadership.
Integrated Action for developed India To achieve the distinctive profile of India, we have the mission of transforming India into a developed nation. We have identified five areas where India has a core competence for integrated action:
(1) Agriculture and food processing
(2) Education and Healthcare
(3) Information and Communication Technology
(4) Reliable and Quality Electric power, Surface transport and Infrastructure for all parts of the country.
(5) Self-reliance in critical technologies. These five areas are closely inter-related and if progressed in a coordinated way, will lead to food, economic and national security. I am sure the education system in this college will create capacities among the students for participating and contributing in one of the pillars which I have mentioned above.
Sustainable Development What is sustainability? Sustainability is the capacity to maintain a certain process or state indefinitely. The concept has been applied more specifically to living organisms and systems. As applied to the human community, sustainability has been expressed as meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
How do you sustain the development? Here I would like to quote from the Conference General report of the International Conference on Education for sustainable future in Sep 2003, which refers to central challenge for higher education for sustainability. Since it is relevant to this audience, I would like to quote -
"The Johannesburg world summit for sustainable development has made one thing unmistakably clear that the political leadership the world over is incapable of rising to the challenge of sustainability. Yet, most of the hundred or so world leaders who attended have a higher education degree from some of the world's most prestigious universities ¡V the higher education sector is failing society by producing leaders incapable of addressing the most pressing problems. If higher education is the nursery of tomorrow's leaders then the sector bears profound responsibilities to create a sustainable future. This implies that graduates of every discipline need a sound working knowledge about sustainability".
What does it mean in practical terms? The education system has to introduce at each level, the sustainability aspects of development right from school stage to the higher education and also for those who are in service. For meeting the needs of the present generation, we have to find avenues for value added employment and wealth generation in every one of our programmes. This has to become a focal theme. For example, we have to make our agriculture sustainable, rural development sustainable, water management system sustainable and energy system sustainable and above all the giving leadership to the nation for maintaining sustainable development of the nation. In the country 70% of the people living in the 600,000 villages need integrated and sustainable development, for which the PURA system provides a solution. Entire nation needs 7000 PURA complexes to cover 600,000 villages. Let me now describe one of the working PURA system in Chattisgarh called Baktara PURA which I inaugurated in few years back.
Baktara PURA in 2011 This PURA complex aims to get transformed into a dynamic rural complex in another few years time with focus on employment potential for about 50% of the families of Baktara with three connectivities like physical connectivity, electronic connectivity, knowledge connectivity, leading to economic connectivity. This PURA complex will have its umbilical connectivity with the nearest university.
The visualization of Baktara PURA by the year 2012 is given below:-
a) The 5880 dwelling units will have houses with clean water supply and sanitation facilities.
b) The village complex will have 100% literacy among the 34,000 citizens
c) Apart from upgrading existing schools, the complex will have few colleges, world class vocational training institutions in construction, carpentry, welding natural art; Computer maintenance and Services, IT Enabled Services, BPO and a Call Center. Sakshat programme - a one stop education portal will be used through internet for capacity building in this region.
d) The people in the PURA complex will be able to get quality healthcare through tele-medicine and also through mobile clinics via PHC. They will be brought under a corporate medical healthcare scheme.
e) This PURA village complex will be free from diseases like polio, TB, leprosy and malaria and other waterborne diseases. The infant mortality rate will be less than 10.
f) The PURA complex will promote horticulture and floriculture products, apart from agriculture in collaboration with Ravi Shankar Shukla University and Agriculture University.
g) There will be agro-processing industries in the PURA complex for value addition to horticulture produce.
h) Dairy will be functional producing over one lakh liters of milk per day for Raipur and other areas. They can also produce other milk products. This dairy will be established in collaboration with institutions like BAIF.
i) The 70 water bodies in this PURA cluster will be operational and used for water harvesting during the rainy season.
j) All 17,000 employable people of this PURA village cluster will have an additional job in dairy, agro-processing industry, construction business and tourism.
k) The per capita income of this PURA cluster will be three times the present per capita income.
For achieving this performance, I had suggested creation of a dynamic PURA management system. I would suggest the BVB College of Engineering and Technology to consider planning such a PURA complex adjacent to Hubli involving the cluster of 40 ¡V 50 villages having population of one lakh. When I addressed IIM Ahmedabad on national development, Shri Srijan Pal Singh, a student of my course came up with an idea of "PURA Corporation" and is planning to create the first PURA complex in Mehsana district of Gujarat.
Dear friends, let me share with you three examples drawn from unique personalities, one has taken up planting of trees as planting an idea, second a street boy with determination becomes a noble laureate and third a mathematician who was not deterred by failure.
Planting of trees is the planting of ideas I would like to talk about Prof Wangari Maathai's who has a passion for environment and bio-diversity and is contributing to the sustainable development and growth of planet Earth. Wangari Muta Maathai was born in Nyeri, Kenya (Africa) in 1940. She was the first woman in East and Central Africa to earn a doctorate degree and to become chair of the Department of Veterinary Anatomy and an associate professor. Wangari Maathai was active in the National Council of Women of Kenya and was its chairman in 1981-87, where she introduced the idea of planting trees with the people and continued to develop it into a broad-based, grassroots organization whose main focus is the planting of trees with women groups in order to conserve the environment and improve their quality of life. Through the Green Belt Movement Nobel Laureate Prof Maathai has evolved innovatively a movement with 600 community networks across Kenya and branches in 20 countries resulting in the plantation of 31 million trees. She and the Green Belt Movement have received numerous awards, most notably The 2004 Nobel Peace Prize.
Prof Maathai gives a new meaning to the important act of planting a tree by extending it to the whole life, when she says, "the planting of trees is the planting of idea." She highlights the qualities of patience, persistence and commitment in planning and realizing a future, which is what we learn when we plant trees and wait for them to yield fruits for the next generation. She believes that no matter how dark the cloud, there is always a thin, silver lining, and that is what we must look for. The silver lining will come, if not to us then to the next generation or the generation after that. And may be with that generation, the lining will no longer be thin. India values Prof Maathai's involvement and contribution in furthering the relationship between India and Kenya and had the privilege of honouring her with the Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International Understanding for the year 2005. She concludes Nobel Lecture on December 10, 2004 like this: quote, "As I conclude I reflect on my childhood experience when I would visit a stream next to our home to fetch water for my mother. I would drink water straight from the stream¡K I saw thousands of tadpoles: black, energetic and wriggling through the clear water against the background of the brown earth. This is the world I inherited from my parents". Prof. Mathaai would like all of us to preserve this inheritance.
Birth of Creativity in a difficult situation Mario Capecchi had a difficult and challenging childhood. For nearly four years, Capecchi lived with his mother in a chalet in the Italian Alps. When World War II broke out, his mother, along with other Bohemians, was sent to Dachau as a political prisoner. Anticipating her arrest by the Gestapo, she had sold all her possessions and given the money to friends to help raise her son on their farm. In the farm, he had to grow own wheat, harvest; take it to miller to be ground. Then, the money which his mother left for him ran out and at the age of four and half years, he started sometimes living in the streets, sometimes joining gangs of other homeless children, sometimes living in orphanages and most of the time hungry. He spent the last year in the city of Reggio Emelia, hospitalized for malnutrition where his mother found him on his ninth birthday after a year of searching. Within weeks, the Capecchi and his mother sailed to America to join his uncle and aunt.
He started his 3rd grade schooling afresh over there and started his education, interested in sports, studied political science. But he didn't find interesting and changed into science, became a mathematics graduate in 1961 with a double major in Physics and Chemistry. Although he really liked Physics, its elegance and simplicity, he switched to molecular biology in graduate school, on the advice of James D Watson, who advised him that he should not be bothered about small things, since such pursuits are likely to produce only small answers.
His objective was to do gene targeting. The experiments started in 1980 and by 1984, Capecchi had clear success. Three years later, he applied the technology to mice. In 1989, he developed the first mice with targeted mutations. The technology created by Doctor Capecchi allows researchers to create specific gene mutations anywhere they choose in the genetic code of a mouse. By manipulating gene sequences in this way, researchers are able to mimic human disease conditions on animal subjects. What the research of Mario Capecchi means for human health is nothing short of amazing, his work with mice could lead to cures for Alzheimer's disease or even Cancer. The innovations in genetics that Mario Capecchi achieved won him the Nobel Prize in 2007. Noble laureate Capecchi life indeed reveals: -
When you wish upon a star,
Makes no difference who you are"
A genius well ahead of time: Failure did not deter him Ramanujan, born and raised in Erode, Tamil Nadu, first encountered formal mathematics at the age of ten. He demonstrated a natural ability at mathematics, and was given books on advanced trigonometry by S. L. Loney. He mastered this book by age thirteen, and even discovered theorems of his own. He demonstrated unusual mathematical skills at school, winning many awards. By the age of seventeen, Ramanujan was conducting his own mathematical research on Bernoulli numbers and the Euler¡VMascheroni constant. He received a scholarship to study at Government College in Kumbakonam. He failed his non-mathematical coursework, and lost his scholarship. Srinivasa Ramanujan lived only for 33 years and did not have formal higher education or means of living. Yet, his inexhaustible spirit and love for his subject made him contribute to the treasure houses of mathematical research ¡V some of which are still under serious study and engaging all-available world mathematicians' efforts to establish formal proofs. Ramanujan was a unique Indian genius who could melt the heart of the most hardened and outstanding Cambridge mathematician Prof G H Hardy. In fact, it is not an exaggeration to say that it was Prof. Hardy who discovered Ramanujan for the world. Professor Hardy rated various geniuses on a scale of 100. While most of the mathematicians got a rating of around 30 with rare exceptions reaching to 60, Ramanujan got a rating of 100. There cannot be any better tribute to either Ramanujan or to Indian heritage. His works cover vast areas including Prime Numbers, Hyper geometric Series, Modular Functions, Elliptic Functions, Mock Theta Functions, even magic squares, apart from serious side works on geometry of ellipses, squaring the circle etc. One of the tributes to Ramanujan says that, 'every Integer is a personal friend of Ramanujan'. He was elected a Fellow of The Royal Society (F R S) in 1918.
Ramanujan used to say "An equation means nothing to me unless it expresses a thought of God". For him the understanding of numbers was a process of spiritual revelation and connection. In his investigations into pure mathematics, he drew extraordinary conclusions that mystified his colleagues, but were usually proven, eventually, to be right. He opened a universe of theory that still today is reaping applications. The landscape of the infinite was to Ramanujan a reality of both mathematics and spirit. His love for numbers led Ramanujan to number theory. Despite being affected by chronic health problems, he was breathing Mathematics throughout his short life and his genius was recognized internationally. So friends you saw, how great creative minds, gave problem to the problems to succeed through the instrument of knowledge.
From the three great minds, one establishes "how to succeed in an environmental mission by sheer invincible hard work", "how to succeed under difficult circumstances" and "the ability to overcome failure and succeed". I am sure, the students and faculty members of this College would like to emulate the noble traits possessed by these three great personalities.
Conclusion All of you are aware how the scientists and engineers of ISRO have made the country proud by their path breaking accomplishments in Chandrayaan Mission recently. The precise launch, crucial orbit raising operations, the perfect lunar orbit insertion, pay load operations and precise guiding of the Moon Impact Probe (MIP) to the specific location of their choice have all been demonstrations of disciplinary and interdisciplinary skills in this high tech area and acknowledged by the world. I personally witnessed the MIP operations along with the confident, cautious and jubilant faces of the young and experienced. How many different types of hardware and software systems these scientists have perfected in a short duration of five years for onboard computers of Chandrayaan, mission planning and simulations, spacecraft tracking, payload data processing, space craft check out and launcher operations. How did they succeed? ISRO engineers thought it is possible to take up the challenges of such a complex mission. They not only have completed a successful mission, but have triggered many minds to take up innovative missions of their lives to explore the earth-Moon-Mars complex. I am sure, education system in the college can create a new vision challenges for the young minds of this region.
With these words, I inaugurate the Dr. RH Kulkarni Memorial Lecture complex and the Centre for social entrepreneurship at BVB College of Engineering and Technology. My best wishes to all of you for success in your educational mission.
May God Bless you.
Eight point Oath for Engineering Students 1. Engineering and Technology is a life time mission. I will work, work and work and succeed.
2. Wherever I am, a thought will always come to my mind. That is what process or product I can innovate, invent or discover.
3. I will always remember that "Let not my winged days, be spent in vain".
4. I realize I have to set a great technological goal that will lead me to think high, work and persevere to realize the goal.
5. My greatest friends will be great scientific/technological minds, good teachers and good books.
6. I firmly believe that no problem can defeat me; I will become the captain of the problem, defeat the problem and succeed.
7. I will apply my knowledge in engineering and technology for the societal transformation of my region.
8. My National Flag flies in my heart and I will bring glory to my nation.
With Regards
Kalam Nagappan
Managing Trustee - YHM
Ph no:9840390517
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