To realise the developed India by 2020

Monday, February 16, 2009

[India_Vision_2020] The impact of Dr.APJ's ten point oath to students

Dear Friends,

I am pleased to share an interesting incident that happened over the weekend classes we [ Dream India and YHM ] conduct at Adyar corporation school. As a part of our usual review, I was asking the kids to repeat the basics we taught them for the past 3 months. As we finished discussing about spoken English, computers, greeting etc, I asked them about Dr.APJ's ten point oath to students.

It was really pleasing that almost all the children remembered the ten point oath. Each of them shared one point each. Once they did this, we just posed a question, "Okay, good that you all remember, now how many of you actually follow these points mentioned by sir? If not all these points, at least one or two of them.".

To our surprise, the kids started responding very well. We asked them to speak one by one. One kid Aruna said, " Anna, I have taught my grandma how to write her name, also one boy near my house of same age as mine used to eat Gutkha. After we discussed the points here, I told him NOT to eat such things. Now after I told him about the evils  of it, he has stopped eating that".

One more said, " Anna, I have taught my parents how to write their names in English". Another said, " I teach the small boys around my area". This is when one of the students, Jeevajothi said " Anna, my father used to drink a lot. He used to have severe stomach pain because of this. After we made a chart about the ten point oath by Dr.APJ [ she was one of those kids who made that chart], I told my dad NOT to drink mentioning the words of Dr.APJ. I also told him you would not suffer going to hospital etc because of this. He took two days to reflect on this. Later, he stopped drinking and bought a silver golusu with that amount".

It was one of those moments that rarely comes in life. We were all pleasantly shocked to hear this. Honestly, none of us expected the chart activity on Dr.APJ's ten point oath to have such an impact!!! Sir is truly inspiring. It just goes on to prove that his words are very sincere and from his divine heart, how else can one explain such an inspiring turn around!!!

These are the moments that we need to cherish my dear friends. For sure we are making a positive difference in our own way. I thought you all would loved to hear from the student and so took a small video which is attached. It is in Tamil with students explaining the above described incident. Every action of ours with the children makes a direct impact in their life.

Dream India

"Hesitating to act because the whole vision might not be achieved, or because others do not yet share it, is an attitude that only hinders progress."  - Mahatma

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