dear friends
During the course of my interview with Dr Kalam for his messge to youth, he also gave a five point Mission for the MPs of the new Lok Sabha. We can also evaluate the MPs on these five parameters.
I will release the audio today late in the evening in www.poduniversal.
Prime Point
From: Abdulkalam APJ <apj@abdulkalam.
Date: Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 4:59 PM
Subject: Re: 5 Point Mission to MPs
To: Prime Point Srinivasan <prpoint@gmail.
1 Assess the present per capita income of the
constituency with an aim to increase the per capita
income three times in five years.
2 The present literacy percentage of the constituency
has to be increased at least by 20% in five years.
3 Take the statistics of number of water bodies in the constituency and their status. Work for the de-silting and interconnection of all the water bodies within the five years.
4 Create programmes which will provide value added employment for every member of the constituency, consistent with her or his qualification.
5 Infant mortality rate of the constituency has to come down to less than 10 per thousand in five years.
Greetings and best wishes
Maj Gen R. Swaminathan
Advisor to Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam
Former President of India

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