To realise the developed India by 2020

Monday, March 2, 2009

[India_Vision_2020] Go urban in rural areas, says Kalam

Go urban in rural areas, says Kalam

Josy Joseph
Monday, March 2, 2009 4:06 IST
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New Delhi: Here's a people's solution from a people's president. Besides making India a developed country by 2020, Dr Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam says PURA (providing urban amenities in rural areas) could also be a remedy for the present economic roil.


Dr Kalam says his dream of a developed India by 2020 is possible despite the challenges. PURA is critical to achieving this dream as well as to overcome economic uncertainties, Kalam told DNA about his India 2020 Vision. The vision is India's most debated document on development for a decade now.

"As India's billion people transform into an economically developed nation, one-sixth of the population of the world will come out of poverty, illiteracy and unemployment. This will result in India providing tremendous influence to the world," Dr Kalam said, adding, "To challenge the economic turbulence, our economic development policy has to be wise enough to activate agricultural and rural economic development."

PURA calls for establishing physical connectivity (roads), electronic connectivity (ICT) and knowledge connectivity (enhancing core competence of villages). "Then economic connectivity (employment potential) will get enhanced," he said.

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