Enabling citizens to "Make an INFORMED choice"
In each of the 4 targeted cities, comprehensive profiles of candidates will be created
which will go much beyond compiling affidavit details only. The objective is to enable a
holistic evaluation of candidates. Specifically,
1. Candidate profiles will include the following information:
i. Affidavit details filed by candidates to ECI (with historical trend)
ii. Track record / Key achievements of candidate in public service
iii. Key party manifesto points
iv. Views of candidate on top 3 issues rated by citizens from THAT constituency
v. For sitting MPs,
1. Performance within parliament (attendance, debate, bill records)
2. Performance outside parliament (MPLAD funds status as on Feb 2009)
2. 3 min video interviews of EACH candidate talking about point (iv) above
3. Based on above, crisp 1 page profiles will be created for EACH candidate from
EACH constituency. This will provide an equal opportunity to all candidates
wanting to reach out to urban voters
4. Candidate profiles will be hosted on website, and mailed directly to citizens who
have signed up for this information (includes users of www.jaagore.com )
5. The above information will be compiled working in close coordination with NGOs
and media groups
Chennai may or may not part of this initiative this election.
Vande Mataram!
Dr Prahalathan KK
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." - Margret Mead
On Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 10:20 PM, Dr.Prahalathan KK <prahalathan@bhumichennai.org > wrote:
Mr.Murugan,Once you're registered on the site1. If you are not registered as a voter, it'll give you a nearly filled up form with details of where u have to submit ur voter Reg form2. 7 days before the election you will get a document giving the details of all the candidates in your constituency3. On the voting day you will get multiple reminders to caste your voteApprox. 30% of India's population is between 18-30approx 60% is below 30Tomorrow is ours... ONLY if we start voting responsibly.Vande Mataram!Dr Prahalathan KK9894209741"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." - Margret MeadOn Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 1:11 AM, aummurugan murugan <aummurugan@yahoo.co.in > wrote:
Hi. I agree with you. Voting is to be done! no doubt. but to whom?I hope, Some vegetarians may prefer dying without food if the rotton eggs and the dead rat are produced to them as a meal:Like that - our voting? Is it to select the rotton egg or the dead rat? the only options at fray?Pl. discuss. clarifyrrindia.
From: Dr.Prahalathan KK <prahalathan@bhumichennai. >org
Subject: [action2020] We can make a Difference - Vote Chennai! Vote!
Date: Thursday, 5 March, 2009, 10:18 PM
Dear Team,I am proud to announce that BHUMI is partnering with Jaago Re! One Billion Votes campaign, to increase voter registration amongst the youth in all campuses across Chennai .Voting is the most fundamental tool to bring about change in a democracy, and we educated Indians should definitely exercise this right and make a difference in 2009 general elections.Jaago Re! One Billion Votes is a non-partisan campaign to awaken and enable citizens across India to register for voting. It is India 's largest voter registration drive and has made the registration process really simple. Visit www.jaagore. com to fill your voter registration form ONLINE.BOTH unregistered and previously registered voters benefit by registering at www.jaagore. com. Following are the benefits:§ Map based assistance to fill voter registration form online, within 5 mins!§ Confirmation of name appearing on voter lists. Sometimes, even registered voters can find their names missing!§ Election day reminders with polling booth address§ Profiles of candidates standing from your respective constituencyPlease note the following important information:1. It is essential that people are registered as voters from the city where they are ordinarily residing i.e. where they have been staying for the past 6 months. Click here to know how to transfer your voter registration from one city to another2. Click here for more FAQs on voter registration3. Click here to read common myths regarding votingRegards,Vande Mataram!PrahalathanIndia at 61, Better than yesterday,But, not as good as tomorrow!
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