dear friends
In the earlier mail, I had infomed about the launch of "Celebrate Democracy- Vote India" campaign by India Vision Group members. We took exclusive messge from Dr Abdul Kalam for the campaign.
The text of the message of Dr Kalam to the Nation was released by us. . In an exclusive interview for PodUniversal, Dr Kalam appealed to the people to vote for righteous candidates. He has also set 5 point agenda to all the new MPs. He wants a movement to start by giving the MPs the task and then to review them.
Please listen to the podcast interview of Dr Abdul Kalam in the following link
I request you to all to kindly circulate the message of Dr Abdul Kalam to all. As Dr Kalam says, "The right to vote is a sacred right and an onerous responsibility that we owe to the motherland". Let us all join this sacred movement.
Prime Point

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