dear friends
We are now featuring the top performers in the 14th Lok Sabha, based on the information released in four categories (1) Raising issues under Rule 377 (2) Raising questions during Question hours, (3) Participation in debates and legislative business and (4) attendance.
Now we are featuring Mr V K Thummar, Congress Member of Parliament representing Amreli (Gujarat) Constituency. He was a member of Gujarat Legislative Assembly for two terms and then he was elected to 14th Lok Sabha in 2004. He stood No 2 in raising issues under Rule 377. Since he hails from farmer's family, he was giving more focus on farmers problems.
I took an exclusive interview with him over phone on behalf of PodUnversal. . When asked what was his ambition if he is elected to 15th Lok Sabha, he wanted to become No 1 in all catefoties.
Please listen to his exclusive interview by clicking the following link
We congratulate Mr V K Thummar for his achievement even in his first term. We wish him all the best.
In our next edition, we will be publishing the exclusive interview of Mr Adsul, Shiv Sena Member from Maharashtra, who stood first in raising maximum number of questions in the 14th Lok Sabha.

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