Dear All, An NGO approached me with this wonderful and innovative concept. Would appreaciate your views on this and if there are many of you who would like to help in grounding it, will connect you directly with the NGO. Kanchana Ravichandran Sub : Legislation regarding creation of special constituencies for representing the cause of abandoned children , destitute , mentally challenged , blind and other physically challenged , old aged people etc – reg ; Sir / Madam , Children Welfare Foundation (CWF ) is a registered non-profit organization functioning for the past 15 years in Tamil Nadu for destitute , abandoned children and awareness of human kindness . We bring forth a request to your esteemed good offices to consider the following concept which can dramatically change the plight of challenged people .. The stakeholders for socially deprived community like destitute and abandoned children , mentally challenged , blind and other physically challenged , old aged people etc yearn mainly for two major criterions (i.e) human kindness and attention , which has long been neglected in this fast-paced world . The vacuum of this challenged and deprived community can be fulfilled if the services of honest , sincere , non-political and recognized NGOs ( Non governmental organization ) can be put into optimal momentum by your support and nomination into your system . The role of these nominated NGOs will be to represent in the State Assembly and Parliament the cause of the challenged and deprived community and for co-ordinated implementation of sanctions, welfare schemes and rights . These nominated NGOs will be democratically elected by the people of the constituencies and can be atleast 3% of total seats . Those elected by members of state Assembly & Parliament ( Member of Legislative Assembly ) can be 1 % of total seats . For this to come into effect , the leaders of the state and national political parties like your esteemed self can allocate a small percentage of reservation for these non-political NGOs who are internally selected . By this reservation , stakeholders of the socially deprived and challenged community like destitute and abandoned children , mentally challenged , visually impaired and other physically challenged , old aged people will be empowered as one united voice in the State Assembly and Parliament for their legal rights and also play a constructive role in the society . Till date , there is no specific representation of a recognized NGO for this noble cause . India will be the forerunner for other democratic nations if this concept of allocation of parliamentary representation by NGOs for the challenged community comes into effect . Yours truly , K.M. Swamy ( Founder Chairman ) --- On Fri, 3/27/09, km swamy <whitecrosssociety@
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