dear friends
We are happy to inform you that our group has crossed 2500 membership mark. We have members across the globe, committed to develop India. We have many eminent people, Senior Government officials, scientists, academicians, social workers on board in this group. Even Dr Kalam's office continuously follow our discussions and important mails are brought to his knowledge.
We are also having sub-grouup Action 2020 team with 30 youth organisations covering South India. Recently, we had Action 2020 - UnConference at Chennai and Dr Kalam also interacted with the representatives of 30 organisations over phone. We have also published the details in this group with audio of Dr Kalam's interaction. You may visit http://www.action20
In the recent months, especially after Action2020 event, large number of committed youth have joined us with more enthusiasm. We welcome the new members to this group. For the benefit of new members, we give the guidelines for posting messages.
1. We do not allow negative, cynical, pessimistic messages in this group. Some of the members send messages giving impractical suggestions like Presidential form of Govenment, etc. We do circulate only practical views. We do not permit forwarded or chain mails.
2. We strongly believe that we have to function with all the constraints. We request our members to share their success stories of how they could silently contribute to the society for the development, braving all the challenges and constraints. You may also write about the 'UnSung heroes' in your locality with their contact details. This forum should not be used for self publicity or promotion of products or services. Genuine efforts of many persons, whom you may come across may also be shared. We should get motivated through the actions of such great unsung heroes.
3. Please do not post one line messages like "Thank you for the information', "excellent", etc. Please keep in mind that we should not load the inbox of members unnecessarily. Please do not send personal mails in the group. If you are responding to the author of the mail personally, write to him/her personally and not to the group.
4. Post messages which are of common interest to all the members. Do not post any messages like health camp, or any meeting which are of local in nature. If anything relates to South India, please inform me or Shiva ( shivapas@yahoo.
5 Presently, we are also trying to nominate coordinators for North, East and West, so that there could be more coordination. We will let you know shortly.
6. In the recent months, lots of youngsters with high vision and commitment have joined this group. We are trying to involve them in our Action 2020 projects. We will be collecting their information separately and inform them.
On behalf of the moderators of the group, we assure all the members 'high quality' contents. The purpose of this group is to bring together all the committed people to realise the Vision 2020 under the guidance of President Dr Kalam.
Jai Hind
K. Srinivasan

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