dear friends
Action 200 - UnConference has gained momentum. Nearly 100 youth from 30 to 35 organisations formed by students and young professionals are participating. Already, we have received nominations for participation. We have invited only the organisations formed by students or professionals who are already in the social service for a minimum period of one year. Action 2020 Core-team is looking at the individual profiles of such organisations and they are directly intimating them furher.
This is the first on-site project of our India Vision Group.
Meanwhile, Big FM, one of the leading FMs in India has become the Radio Partner for this event. They will be giving live feed from the venue on that day.
Event FAQ (http://www.eventfaq
Few emient personalities/
We have also sent a request to Dr Kalam to depute one of his representatives from his office as an Observer.
Siva, Kalam Nagappan, Natarajan, Poornima, Kartheeban, Veena, Ravi, Jay and Jayashree have formed a core team for making arrangements.
Please visit the wiki http://wiki.
Event FAQ has also carried a story in their site in the following link
We plan to do a live blogging from the venue. We will update the members further.

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