dear friends
Today (10th Dec) is the Human Rights Day, observed in all the countries. One thing, i am not able to understand is as to why the Human Rights evangelists do not raise their voice against the terrorists, who violate the human rights by killing innocent people.
At the same time, many of the Human Rights organisations raised their voice while forest brigand veerappan was shot dead by the Police. They made big hue and cry and they did not talk about the people killed by Veerappan.
In another recent instance, there was a big campaign from the Human Rights activists to reduce the punishment to Nalini, assassin of Rajiv Gandhi, giving the reason that she had a daughter. But they did not raise their voice against the LTTE, who killed more than 20 people (police officials and innocent party workers) along with Rajiv Gandhi. Don't they think that the victims of such terrorism have also family members.
It is sad, that none of the Human Rights associations have condemned the Mumbai terror attack. Probably, they are waiting to give statement in favour of the arrested terrorist, for providing 5 star hotel food, air conditioned jail, etc. They are more seen as supporters of wrong doers, including terrorists. I may be wrong. this is the general perception of the many citizens.
Can any of the Human Rights evangelists in this group set right the perception.

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