Dear Friends
I have read a lot of mails regarding the question, what should be done..... I have changed the topic of my own accord, which I hope will bring about some discussion, within our circle of control.
- The economic divide is too huge, and needs moderation in this country.
- Education in our country needs a total revamping, giving equal opportunities to all, and scope for joyous creative learning, beyond the classroom, continuing throughout ones life. Hardly 7% of our population reach higher education, where is the question of equitable and learning communities? How many of us have seen plight of children in schools, cramped for space and learning too!
- What happens to a person is the blueprint formed from whatever has happened in his/her life before age of 6, and what programs do we have worth a mention for children to give them nutrition for the mind and body, please visit places close to your house, the Balwadis or Anganwadis, or for that matter some schools running preprimary LKG, UKG programs, and you will see the sorry plight of young children, who may become our future politicians, or te...... whatever, thanks to their negative experiences there
-What is required is a concerted action with the 7 % educated people entering the field and spending time with children. We have 40% population of persons below 14 years where we can make a difference with a focussed effort. I heard a statement made by some people that our children after a particular age should become volunteers for the army and spend time in service for a designated period . I am requesting that let there a resolve by adults to share their resources and time not as charity but as a call - as the time has come. We cannot rely on anyone but the citizenry which is much more in number than politician or the army, to take over bringing sanity and dignity into lives of children.
- How much time can each of us spare to stabilise family units which weave the fabric of society. Pity and charity has to be out of our dictionary, and we need to provide quality equitable education, and improved self worth of the "Main street" folk to say no to freebies of the politicians.
- Our core lies in a need to work for living in this world, having come here. Many have lost focus, and are living for money, with increasing materialism, and consumerism rather than humanism.
- Women need to spend sometime to bring out their mothering quality, for the sake of the bringing out and spreading Love so hidden inside now.
Thanks for the patient reading, lets have inputs for an individuals actionable agenda if I may
Best regards
Vidya Shankar, Relief Foundation, www.relieffoundatio
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